How to clean a grenade?

Yes, cleaning a pomegranate can seem a laborious process, if you do not know some tricks that will significantly ease the process of extracting grains and reduce the amount of juice on the hands and the work surface. About some simple ways of how to clean a pomegranate we will tell in this material, having accompanied a management by detailed pictures.

How fast can I clean a grenade?

Before you clean the grenade quickly and easily, immediately prepare the necessary minimum of dishes: a pair of bowls and a small sharp knife. If you clean the grenade for the first time, then it is better to cover the work surface with a napkin or a film: the saturated pomegranate juice is also easily absorbed into the surface, as well as heavily washed.

In the upper part of the fetus, make an incision along the entire circumference, cutting only the skin. Make a similar incision at the bottom. As a result, you will have something like a pair of small covers that need to be removed, slightly picking up the knife.

The opened seeds will be separated by three large white partitions - they will become our reference points for further cutting. Cut the peel along each of the partitions.

Then make one horizontal incision in the center, passing along the entire circumference.

Stick two thumbs to the very center of the fruit and gently, but surely, break it over the incisions made.

Now also gently release the seeds from the remnants of the film on the grains and peels , sorting the grains and debris along a pair of pre-prepared bowls.

How easy is it to clean a grenade?

Perhaps the easiest way to purify a grenade is this one. Within its framework, the fruit is simply cut into segments and carefully extracted from them grains.

Look at the surface of the pomegranate and you will be able to see small bulges - these are the places of attachment of the films separating the grains among themselves, to the outer peel.

Walk along each of these segments with a knife, separating the pomegranate segments from each other.

Fill the bowl with cold water and start carefully disassembling the slices, separating the grains from the white pulp. Pulp and pomegranate films float to the surface due to their lightness, because they can easily be removed, separating themselves from the heavy grains that fall to the bottom.

Another similar method allows you to clean the pomegranate and without water, but also focusing on the natural separation of grains.

Cut a small piece of the pomegranate tip to expose the seeds. On the cut, the places of passage of white films separating segments of grains will be clearly seen.

Along these films, the segments should be cut with a knife, not cutting through to the very end.

Open the pomegranate in the manner of the flower, carefully separating the segments from each other.

Now it remains only to carefully separate the grains from the membranes and peels.

How to clean grenades neatly?

Choose the only way to properly clean the grenade is impossible, but you can easily determine the most accurate. Thanks to this method, the juice on the working surface will remain at a minimum, and the grains themselves will be ideally separated from the films.

Cut the pomegranate in half across. Place the half of the fruit on the palm with a cut down and place your hand over a large bowl of cold water. Armed with a wooden spoon, start tapping on the back of the pomegranate, knocking out the corn from it.

As a result, a hollow peel will remain in your hand, and all grains, together with the juice, will fall into the water. Light residues of films and white pulp will float to the surface, and they can be easily removed.