Kvas Bolotova

Kvas Bolotova is preparing with the addition of celandine. Accordingly, this drink is not just delicious, but also extremely useful. It is not difficult to prepare it. And then you can use it to fight various diseases.

Useful properties of kvass Bolotov on the cleanliness

They have a lot of drink. That is why many adherents of treatment with folk methods need a little kvass in the refrigerator at any time. Here, in what its advantage:

  1. Kvas Bolotova has a rejuvenating effect. Moreover, it does this thoroughly - at the cellular level.
  2. The drink strengthens the immune system and helps it to suppress the activity of pathogens.
  3. Very often, kvass on the cleanliness of the Bolotov prescription is used to inhibit the growth of good and malignant tumors.
  4. The agent favorably affects the work of the nervous system.
  5. The basic components of kvass help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and restore the flora.
  6. Drink can be used as a means to relieve the overstrain - both physical and emotional.

Preparation of kvass on a cleaner according to Bolotov

Sometimes whey is used for cooking, but experience shows that the drink is not worse at all.

Beverage Recipe



Dissolve the sugar completely in a container of water and add sour cream to it. Purity cobweb in a bag and attach to it a weight to lower it to the very bottom. Cover the neck of the jar with two or three layers of gauze, and place the jar in a dark place. Periodically remove the mold from the surface of the liquid. In two weeks the drink will be ready.

How to take kvass Bolotova on a clean?

It is recommended to start with small doses - no more than three table spoons a day. Gradually the dose can be increased to 100 ml. The effect of the tool will not make you wait too long. After a couple of kvass receptions, the weight in the stomach will go away, the body tone will increase slightly.

Contraindications to the use of kvass Bolotov on a celandine

This drink remains curative until it is taken in the appropriate dosages. If you drink kvass more than you need, you may experience a nausea and severe vomiting.

The main contraindications to the use of delicious medicine are: