Streptoderma - treatment

Streptodermia is a fairly common disease among children, characterized by an infectious disease. The most common in children, as their skin is more tender and sensitive to various infections. Streptodermia is well transmitted by close contact, especially if the other child's body has small scratches or wounds.

Symptoms of streptoderma

With such a disease on the skin, most often the face, there are characteristic eruptions. The state of health is mostly normal, but in some cases malaise and fever is observed up to 38 degrees. Rashes are accompanied by itching, which is especially dangerous and requires the attention of adults. Blistered bubbles can be combed dangerously to the blood.

In order to know how to cure streptodermia, you must put an accurate diagnosis, because such a disease can be implied and under other diseases. These are erysipelas, vulgar ectima, chronic diffuse streptoderma and others.

The main symptoms of streptoderma:

How quickly to cure streptodermia?

  1. A patient with streptoderma should be protected and reduced with him contact. Especially it is about communicating a sick child with healthy ones.
  2. It is necessary to consult a doctor and follow all the prescribed methods of treatment.
  3. In the presence of high temperature, it is allowed to take antipyretics, lotions on the forehead. It is strictly forbidden to do wrapping, bathing a child and doing other water procedures. Eruptions do not like water, otherwise the rash may spread further.
  4. It is compulsory to monitor the cleanliness of the child's hands and nails, because, as dirt gets on the inflamed places, more inflammation can go.
  5. The treatment of streptoderma at home can go much better and faster if the child is distracted and occupied with something. This will help not to focus on the itch and the wounds will heal faster.
  6. It is necessary to change bed linens every day, including all the underclothes. Wash at high temperature and iron with iron.
  7. Cleaning in the room and daily airing will help the patient to recover faster.
  8. It is necessary to adhere to a special diet according to the doctor's prescription.

Effective treatment of streptoderma will only be if you follow all the proper rules and apply the correct medication.

Treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies

Since ancient times, our parents and grandmothers have become accustomed to treating children from streptodermia at home. To do this, various tools are useful. What you need:

  1. Already at the first rashes it is necessary to treat the inflamed places with hydrogen peroxide, and also to grease each pimple with a green. Such procedures are carried out at least twice a day.
  2. You can make a special home ointment to treat streptoderma. To do this, pour a small mixture of calendula and clover with boiling water. Boiling water is not more than a glass for two tablespoons of a dry mixture. All this is to insist during the day and wipe each bubble three times a day.
  3. One tablespoon is needed a mixture of yarrow and one glass of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 20 minutes and strain the decoction to apply to rub the rashes on the skin.

Treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies is the most common, because different medications should not be used. With such diseases, you can do without medication. The patient should have adequate nutrition. More take a variety of multivitamins. More to drink water, as well as different compotes and fruit drinks. Proteins, cereals, various soups, lots of fruits should prevail in the diet. Limit on sweets - chocolate, jam, ice cream and baking.