Streptocide with sore throat

The causative agents of various diseases of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are often streptococcal bacteria. For this reason, some people use Streptocide with sore throat, as has long been known and effective antibiotic sulfanilamide series. But doctors-otolaryngologists categorically do not recommend using it.

Is it possible to treat the throat with a streptocid?

Despite numerous prescriptions and recommendations, the drug in question is not considered an effective treatment for the throat.

The fact is that Streptocide is a long-standing antimicrobial drug. Streptococci for many years have undergone several stages of mutations and have become almost completely resistant (resistant) to the effects of this sulfonamide. In this case, the drug does not produce any effect on staphylococcal bacteria.

Also it is worth noting that the treatment of the throat by Streptocidum in some situations can even do much harm. Often diseases of the respiratory system are caused by viral infections, which, in addition, reduce the intensity of the work of immunity. The use of any antibiotics in order to combat such pathogens will lead to an even greater reduction of the protective barrier of the organism and, as a result, the proliferation of viral cells, their spread in the bloodstream.

Thus, to use Streptocide in the treatment of throat diseases is not worth it. In addition to these reasons, there are a number of serious side effects and complications:

It is known that this drug adversely affects cardiac activity and is capable of causing cardiac pathologies.

Application of Streptocide in powder for the throat

Nevertheless, in some cases, the described medication can be used. If the pain, redness and the formation of pus on the tonsils are associated with bacterial streptococcal angina or pharyngitis, rinsing of the throat with Streptocid is indicated. It is important to remember that this method will be effective only in the first 12-36 hours after infection, as soon as the first symptoms of the disease are discovered. In addition, you should accurately adhere to the prescribed dosage and do not rinse the oral cavity more than 3 times a day.

Application of Streptocide to sore throat:

  1. Powder in the amount of half a teaspoon (if there is no finished product, you can grind 1 tablet) dissolve in 1 glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Stir thoroughly and rinse thoroughly. If there is a sterile syringe, you can wash the lacunae of the tonsils with the resulting solution.
  3. After the procedure, refrain from eating food and drink for at least 35 minutes.

Another way to use the powder:

  1. Abundantly sprinkle the drug damaged mucous membranes, especially in places with ulceration.
  2. Wait 10-15 minutes, try not to swallow saliva.
  3. Rinse the throat with a mild antiseptic solution, for example, based on a tincture of marigold, baking soda or sea salt.
  4. Lubricate the treated areas with Lugol or iodine solution.
  5. Do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.
  6. Repeat the procedure every 2-2.5 hours.

The described method also helps exclusively in the first day after the onset of the disease. The subsequent application of Streptocide is not recommended, as it can only exacerbate the course of the disease, provoke its transition into a chronic form, cause the pathological spread of the viral infection deep into the respiratory tract.