Cholangitis - symptoms and treatment

Cholangitis - a disease characterized by inflammation and a violation of the normal operation of the bile ducts. The disease can affect both intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts. Cholangitis is susceptible to representatives of the fair sex at the age of 50 - 60 years, although there are cases when the disease is diagnosed in young people (including men).

Symptoms of cholangitis

Knowledge of the symptoms and timely treatment of cholangitis - things interconnected. The fact is that the symptoms of the disease are easily confused with the manifestations of many other diseases. Because of this, a correct diagnosis can be established too late, and accordingly, treatment will be more severe and prolonged.

Cholangitis can be caused by bacteria and various parasites that penetrate the bile ducts. Most often, E. coli becomes the causative agent of the disease, enterococci, lamblia, Klebsiella and other harmful microorganisms are also considered harmful. It should be noted that cholangitis often develops amid problems with the outflow of bile.

Treatment of cholangitis is needed in the presence of such symptoms:

For patients of different age categories, the symptoms may differ. For example, elderly patients sometimes do not feel pain at all. And small patients because of illness sometimes lag behind in development.

In time to begin treatment of cholangitis is very important, because the disease can have quite serious consequences. Complications of cholangitis can be hepatitis, sepsis, peritonitis and even cirrhosis of the liver.

Treatment of cholangitis with antibiotics

Treatment of cholangitis in the first place should be aimed at fighting infection. Unfortunately, without the use of antibiotics, it is almost impossible to manage. Complex treatment can include not only potent drugs, but also hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators, vitamins. Patients must necessarily maintain the microflora, taking special probiotics. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Complete treatment of cholangitis with folk remedies is not allowed, but as an additional therapy they can be used. For example, you can prepare a mixture of honey, olive oil and lemon:

  1. 500 g of honey mixed with 500 ml of butter and juice of two lemons.
  2. The remedy is stored in the refrigerator and taken three times a day on a tablespoon before eating.

Very often to support the body after treatment (both medicamental and surgical) a set of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed:

Symptoms and treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis

One form of cholangitis is primary sclerosing. The origin of the disease is unknown. In contrast to chronic or acute cholangitis, the sclerosing form of the disease affects men more often. The disease progresses calmer, very often any symptoms are absent in principle.

Recognize the disease can be on such grounds:

The only effective treatment for chronic sclerosing cholangitis does not exist. Maintain a normal state of health can be with the help of corticosteroids, vitamin complexes and drugs-isostatics. The complexity of treatment depends on how timely the disease was detected.