Antiemetic drugs for chemotherapy

Antiemetic drugs after chemotherapy are designed to reduce emesis during admission to patients with cytotoxic drugs. Most of these medicines can not be used without antiemetic drugs. Depending on the type of cytostatics, various types of vomiting develop, for example acute or delayed. The first appears in the first day after the start of treatment, and the second - from the second to the fifth.

Further in the article you will see the names and descriptions of the most popular antiemetic drugs for chemotherapy.


It is an anxiolytic, in the form of a white powder, which is poorly soluble in water. The drug is widely used, among the indications is not only vomiting, but also psychological, as well as other disorders:

Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, as well as people suffering from closed-angle glaucoma, acute intoxication and depressive functions of the central nervous system. It is also not recommended to take medicine for patients with hepatic insufficiency.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women have limitations in the use of the drug Laurazepam, namely: it is strictly forbidden to take the medicine in the first trimester of pregnancy, and during the drug it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Lorazepam has side effects that can occur in:

In some cases, depression may develop. Therefore, take the drug is strictly according to the doctor's prescription and should strictly follow the instructions.

With so many contraindications and side effects, the drug Lorazepam is successfully used as a drug against nausea in chemotherapy.


Dronabinol is available in capsules of 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg. The drug has a wide range of uses - from assistance in combating weight loss in the case of AIDS, until the treatment of nausea and vomiting. Dronabinol should be taken 3-4 times a day for 5 mg. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The medicine does not fit well with alcohol and tranquilizers, so it's worth avoiding their use during treatment with Dronabinol.

The drug has many side effects:

Dronabinol should be taken only as directed by the doctor and under his supervision.

Among the contraindications are hypersensitivity, mental disorders, cramps and lactation. The manufacturers note that the use of the drug in pregnancy has not been studied, therefore it is not recommended to use it for future mothers.


The drug belongs to the group of neuroleptics, therefore it is used to treat patients with schizophrenia and other psychoses with symptoms of lethargy, asthenia, apathy and stuporosis, and as an anti-emetic drug for nausea after chemotherapy.

The medicine must be taken orally after eating. On the first day of admission, you must take 12.5 - 25 mg and every day, gradually increase the dose by the same amount. When the daily the dose will reach 150 - 300 mg, you need to stop, and in this dose the medicine is taken until the end of the course, which usually lasts two to three months.

The use of a large amount of the drug can cause development:

Prolonged treatment provokes granulocytopenia.