Fistula on coccyx

Final section of the spine - the coccyx is practically immobile, but is permeated with a lot of nerve endings. Therefore, any trauma or inflammation in this place, for example, in the form of a fistula, is given by unbearable pain, which prevents not only walking, but also prevents you from sitting or lying. Recognize in a timely manner that the emergence of convexity at the bottom of the spine - this is the future fistula on the coccyx, can not immediately, because the symptomatology is similar to the growth of the cyst or osteomyelitis.

The causes of fistula on the coccyx

At first, there is simply a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the coccyx. In this case, we often draw a conclusion - blown. The prolonged cold exposure to the lumbar region is indeed considered one of the reasons for the appearance of the fistula. The next stage of the development of the disease are aching pains, which initially disturb only with physical exertion, and then permanently. If there was a trauma to the coccyx, then the state is written off to her. And only when the temperature rises, the place of pain turns red and swells, and pus starts to ooze, we finally decide to go to the doctor.

Although the outcome of treatment of the fistula does not depend on the nature of its appearance, it is necessary to know the reasons to avoid pathology in the future. The provoking factors include:

When there were all signs of fistula development on the coccyx, which doctor should be treated depends on the place of residence. In the absence of narrow specialists in the nearby hospital - the therapist. The therapist, in turn, will send to the surgeon, since cure for fistula on the coccyx can only be done by operative measures.

Treatment of fistula on coccyx

Before starting the operation, X-rays are made and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If the fistula has not yet passed into a chronic stage, then the doctor performs an autopsy and drainage of the abscess with the aim to stop the inflammation. In advanced stages, when it is not possible to stop the formation of pus, an operation is performed to excise the fistula on the coccyx. The operation is performed from 20 minutes to an hour, after which the patient is left in the hospital for a maximum of 24 hours. During this time, the bandage changes twice and further treatment of the fistula on the coccyx can be continued at home, guided by medical instructions:

  1. Do not sit for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Avoid overexertion.
  3. To conduct daily hygiene of interannual folds.

It is gratifying that the wound heals quickly and without complications.

How to treat fistula on coccyx folk remedies?

Treatment can be complicated by the fact that the patient for a long time tried to fight himself with the disease, taking inflammation for an ordinary boil. As a result, this led to a massive spread of fistula in the pelvic area.

Self-treatment is also dangerous because the fistula can penetrate deep into the rectum, where there are many microbes. Traditional medicine does not deny the positive effects of folk prescriptions on getting rid of fistulas, but if therapy is started without delay and is carried out regularly until full recovery.

With the coccygeal fistula effective:

It is better if the St. John's wort is hot. Mummies, crushed aloe leaves with honey are recommended for oral administration within a month. A recipe from the collection of herbs is popular:

The amount can be taken arbitrarily, but a glass of this mixture will require 2 cups of lard. The mixture should languish at a low temperature of 10-12 hours. It is used as a compress.