Allergic eczema

In response to external or internal stimuli, the skin of some people is covered with an inflammatory rash. Also, allergic eczema is accompanied by itching and burning, severe flaking and redness, sometimes swelling. On the epidermis, bubbles are formed, filled with exudate, after opening their place is occupied by dense crusts.

Allergic eczema on face and body

Given the specific symptoms of the described disease, it is not difficult to diagnose it. Difficulties begin when developing a therapy regimen, as it is not always possible to identify the causes of an inadequate immune response.

Factors that can cause the disease under consideration:

Also, allergic eczema on the legs and hands can occur due to circulatory disorders in the limbs.

It is known that the presented pathology refers to multifactorial ailments and progresses against a background of not one, but several reasons.

Treatment of allergic eczema on the hands, feet, face and body

The first thing to do when the first symptoms of this disease appear is to stop any contacts with probable allergens.

A further therapy regimen includes:

In severe cases, the doctor may recommend corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use.