Diet for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a complex disease, and there are whole studies that allow us to see the pattern between the intake of certain foods and the onset of seizures. For a long time it was believed that a large number of strict limitations are needed, but modern science asserts that in general nutrition with epilepsy should not be too different from normal nutrition, but there are also subtleties.

Diet for epilepsy: prohibitions

Epilepsy requires nutrition, which is limited to some frames that make it easier to relieve seizures. The list of such prohibitions includes the following products and factors:

The diet against epilepsy gives excellent results: the attacks are getting smaller, and they flow more easily. It is important to understand that these prohibitions are permanent, but if you really want, you can afford a tiny portion of something from the list, but not more often 1-2 times a month.

Diet for epilepsy: recommendations

The menu should be balanced and full, with an abundance of fiber. Most often recommend a classic milk-vegetable diet, which is suitable for almost any disease.

However, absolutely stop eating meat, too, should not be. Daily it is necessary to afford a small portion of a dish of meat, fish or poultry, preferably in a boiled or cooked for a couple of kinds.

Ketogenic diet for epilepsy

This diet is recommended as an additional tool in the treatment, and it is a a variant of medical starvation. It can prescribe a doctor, but you should not use it yourself!

  1. The first cycle (3 days) : fasting + drinking (only boiled or purified water).
  2. The second cycle : a fat diet (fat is more than protein and carbohydrates), eating 1/4 of a standard serving. Refusal of cereals, pasta, sweet vegetables.
  3. The third cycle : a gradual exit from the diet.

People who have liver problems, such a diet is strictly contraindicated, because it is saturated with products that people in this case are forbidden to use. There are other warnings, so this diet should be used only under medical supervision.