Dimexide solution

Dimexide solution is a well-known synthetic medicament that is used for external application. It is available, but it is effective at the same time, therefore it is popular with dermatologists, neuropathologists and even cosmetologists with hairdressers.

Indications for the use of Dimexide solution

The main active substance in this preparation is dimethylsulfoxide. In fact, apart from this component, nothing else is included in the Dimexide solution. All effects are achieved solely due to its effect. And this medicine has:

The huge advantage of Dimexide's solution is that it is able to penetrate the skin into the mucosa and strengthen the susceptibility of the epidermis to other medicines. If you make an application with dimethylsulfoxide, the substance will enter the bloodstream within five minutes, and its maximum concentration will be reached in 5-6 hours.

Assign an aqueous solution of Dimexide at:

How to properly apply and dilute Dimexide solution?

According to the instructions, it is necessary to apply dimethylsulfoxide externally - for applications, compresses, irrigation. It is desirable to apply bandages with the medicine not only to the affected skin, but also to a small area of ​​healthy epidermis around.

Dimexide solution for compresses can be interfered with with water or novocaine. With purified water, the drug is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. Novokain for 50 mg Dimexide will require 30 mg.

The number of procedures and the duration of the course of treatment vary depending on the severity of the diagnosis. Usually, the therapy takes 10-15 days. In mild cases, the compress should be applied once a day. In the presence of complications, it is necessary to treat a sore spot more often.

Hair Dimexide Solution

Masks with the addition of dimethyl sulfoxide are nutritious. They supply bulbs with energy, improve blood circulation, increase the flow of blood to the head. After them, the curls become more sturdy, obedient and grow much more actively.

Recipe mask with Dimexid and sea buckthorn oil


Preparation and use

The oil needs to be slightly heated and mixed with the medicine. The mask is applied to the roots and covered with a film for an hour and a half. It is washed off - shampoo.

Dimexide solution for face

Apply Dimexid and for a delicate skin of the face. Drugs based on the drug increase the elasticity and elasticity of the epidermis, smooth wrinkles, heal microcracks, soothe inflammation.

Very often dimethylsulfoxide is used against acne. Just need to moisten the cotton swab in the preparation and prizhech it bugork. Already after the first procedure the inflammation will dry up. But completely it will come down only after a few moxibustions.

Softening mask with Dimexidum and honey


Preparation and use

All components should be mixed thoroughly with each other. Dampen a cloth in them and put them on your face. Top cover your head with a towel and stay in this form with a quarter of an hour. To wash after a mask is optional.