Treatment of acute respiratory infections, depending on the cause and pathogen - the best means

With acute viral infections our body encounters several times a year. With strong immunity, the body quickly suppresses harmful microorganisms and prevents them from developing. If the immune defense is weakened, it is necessary to help her with various means to overcome the cold and regain good health.

What is ARVI?

All known abbreviations of ARVI are deciphered as an acute respiratory viral infection. By this name means a group of diseases having similar signs and affecting the respiratory system. SARS is included in the group of acute respiratory infections, which are both viral and bacterial in nature. There are more than 200 activators of ARVI causing such diseases as influenza, parainfluenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus infection, coronavirus infection, and so on.

Causes of ARVI

Disease ARVI refers to diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The source of the disease is an infected person who may not even know that he is ill. The virus enters the air by sneezing, coughing and talking together with particles of saliva and mucus. The second way of infection is through dirty hands. Handrails in public transport, handles of carts in the supermarket, door handles, handshakes - all this poses a potential threat to people who do not follow the rules of hygiene.

Frequent ARVI - Causes

We are surrounded by a huge number of bacteria and viruses. Every day we encounter several types of pathogens, but thanks to strong immune defense we remain healthy. Viruses and bacteria become dangerous for us at a time when our immunity is weakened. The reason for reducing the protective forces of the body are such factors:

Frequent acute respiratory viral infections are a signal that it is necessary to revise one's lifestyle and find out the causes that reduce the defenses of the body. Separately, one should think about the ways in which immunity can be improved. In addition, attention should be paid to preventive measures that will reduce the risk of infection in the body.

Respiratory viral infection - symptoms

It does not matter which virus caused the common cold, the symptoms of SARS in all cases will be the same:

On the second or third day, the following symptoms are added:

How much does the temperature last for ARVI?

The temperature in ARVI is one of the symptoms indicating the penetration of the pathogenic virus. It can be the first sign of the onset of the disease, or it may appear in combination with others. To what the temperature will reach, depends on the strength of the virus and the strength of the body's defenses. With the flu, the temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees on the first day and stay on these figures for up to five days. In this case, it will be difficult to stray and return in a few hours. With a slight cold, the temperature can increase to 37-38 degrees.

The time that the temperature will be raised depends on the nature of the course of the disease. If the flu-like temperature can last up to 5 days, then the temperature with a weak infection can return to normal levels the very next day. On average, with ARVI, the temperature lasts 2-5 days. The rise in temperature after it has fallen to normal without antipyretics is a bad sign. Repeated leap and retention on high figures for more than 5 days may indicate the occurrence of bacterial infection and the development of complications.

How to treat ARVI?

Respiratory-viral infection is treated with the help of such methods:

  1. The use of antiviral drugs. At the moment, the pharmaceutical industry does not have drugs that affect all types of viruses. All antiviral drugs have a narrow focus, that is, they are effective for a specific group of viruses, which can be identified by laboratory methods.
  2. Drug use with human interferon. Such drugs help to quickly defeat the infection and reduce the negative consequences of the disease.
  3. Use of stimulant preparations of its interferon.
  4. Drugs used for symptomatic treatment. This includes antipyretic drugs , antihistamines, drops for the treatment of rhinitis, vitamins, analgesics.
  5. Compliance with diet: digestible diet, a large amount of liquid, fresh fruit, sour-milk products.
  6. Folk remedies. They help to ease the course of the disease and accelerate recovery. With a mild cold, you can do only with traditional methods of treatment.

Medicines from ARVI

Once a person begins to overcome the symptoms of a cold, you should start taking medications from ARVI. Such drugs are effective in viral diseases:

  1. Antiviral and immunomodulating drugs : Arbidol, Viferon, Grippferon, Amiksin , Tsikloferon.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic . This group includes: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen.
  3. Antihistamines . They help to remove the swelling of the mucous membranes and nasal congestion. The group includes: Dimedrol, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil, Claritin, Loratadin.
  4. Nasal drops : Vibrocil, Otryvin, Tysin, Rhinostop, Nazivin.
  5. Drugs for the treatment of throat : Strepsils, Grammidine, Hexaspree, Inhalipt, Lizobakt.

Antibiotics for ARVI

Sometimes you can hear that antibiotics are called as a remedy for ARVI. This approach is incorrect for the reason that antibacterial drugs affect bacteria, and the virus is the causative agent of ARVI. Unjustified intake of antibiotics in this case is not only useless, but it can also do harm. Antibacterial drugs can worsen the state of the immune system and delay recovery.

When ARVI is an antibiotic, it can be prescribed only when the disease has led to complications: purulent angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following antibacterial drugs:

  1. With angina, an antibiotic of the penicillin series is prescribed: Ecoclave, Amoxiclav, Augmentin.
  2. In bronchitis and pneumonia, macrolides (Macropen, Zetamax) and cephalosporides (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone) are effective.
  3. With complications affecting the ENT organs: Sumamed, Azitrox, Azithromycin, Hemomycin.

SARS - folk remedies

Folk remedies are a good addition to the main treatment and can be used if a woman has contracted ARVI during pregnancy. Of the folk remedies, you can recommend such remedies:

  1. Teas and infusions: with rose hips, lemon, chamomile, thyme, ginger, linden.
  2. From the pain in the throat, rinse with saline solution, rinse with lemon-salt solution, rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar, hold in the mouth a clove of garlic and a piece of ginger.
  3. At the first sign of colds it is useful to soar your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard.
  4. It is useful to wash a nose with a saline solution or a weak infusion of aira.

Complications of ARVI

Although in our time there is an abundance of medicines for the treatment of diseases, complications in ARVI - not uncommon. The most common complications of acute respiratory diseases are:

  1. Acute bronchitis. The disease begins with a sore throat and gradually changes to the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  2. Pneumonia is the most serious complication after SARS. Inflammation of the lungs can not attract attention to itself and flow like a common cold. It is heavily diagnosed and treated for a long time.
  3. Acute sinusitis is a common complication that affects the sinuses of the nose. If you do not give proper attention to the treatment of sinusitis, the disease can go into a chronic form.
  4. Acute otitis media. This complication is easily detected and requires careful treatment.

Prevention of ARVI

Saying that the disease is easier to prevent than treat is also suitable for ARVI.

In the prevention of catarrhal diseases include such measures:

  1. Strengthening of immune defense. This includes hardening, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity.
  2. Immunization.
  3. Protection during the cold season. This includes a set of measures that include frequent hand washing, wearing gauze dressings, lubricating the nasal passages with a protective ointment (Oxoline ointment) or vegetable oil, avoiding mass events.
  4. Prevention of ARVI - drugs. The pharmacy chain offers the following medicines and vitamin complexes for the prevention of catarrhal diseases: Hexavit, Undevit, Eleutherococcus extract, Ginseng tincture, Magnolia tincture, Amizon, Arbidol, Kagocel, Immunal, Imudon, Neovir, Grippferon.