Anton Yelchin and his girlfriend

Anton Yelchin is a talented, versatile, promising Hollywood actor. He was born in Leningrad in Soviet times (March 11, 1989), but when he was only six months old, his parents decided to leave their native country. They, professional skaters in Russia, were often hampered in career development, and this was the first reason for the move. The second - the household difficulties associated with the shortage of goods in the state. They wanted to give their son all the best, therefore they decided on such a desperate step.

Anton considers himself an absolute American, as he grew up, studied, made friends, built a career here. Nevertheless, he is fluent in Russian, reads classics on it and watches old movies. Such literature and cinema formed a special worldview in it.

Who does Anton Yelchin meet?

His film career is so successful that even actors of the older generation can envy. At the age of 27 he starred in a lot of successful films and serials. His talent allows you to play in paintings of different genres. The filmography of the young man is multifaceted: comedies, thrillers, fantasy, drama and so on. The partners on the set were the greatest Hollywood celebrities. But as for the novels of Anton Yelchin - everything is much more modest here.

The actor himself does not like to talk about his personal life. It is known only that until 2012, Anton Yelchin had a long relationship with Christina Ricci. In detail, he never went into anyway and avoided such conversations in every possible way. Asked by journalists about whether he would like to get into romance at such a young age, the actor replied: "I have no illusions about this. With my career to build a serious relationship is almost impossible. I understand this and accept this situation as such! "

As it became known, the affair with Christina Ricci ended in connection with her move to another city. They both understood that at such a young age they would not be able to keep love from a distance, so they decided to disperse.

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Unfortunately, on June 19 this year Anton died tragically. By an absurd accident he was hit by his own car. The car did not stand on the handbrake and, slipping down the road, pressed the guy to the brick column.