Why dream about eating fish?

Dreams are harbingers of the future. In order to most correctly decipher your dream, you should remember everything to every detail.

One of the most common dreams described in dream books is eating fish. At the same time, his interpretation has certain peculiarities. There is a lot that depends on the name of the fish and the way it is cooked.

Why dream of eating fish in a dream?

In most modern dream books, one can find a positive interpretation of such dreams. It is a symbol of great success , success in business and all endeavors. It is also believed that eating fish is an indication of an imminent pregnancy.

Why dream of eating fried fish?

Interpretations of the vast majority of dream books claim that there is a fried fish - a positive sign. Such a process symbolizes good news, success in work, promotion, advancement on the career ladder, successful ending of an important matter. He also foretells the sudden enrichment. At the same time, the amount of financial profit will directly depend on the size of the dreamed fish.

However, there are other, more pessimistic interpretations. When asked about what the fried fish dream of a woman, the well-known psychologist Freud once said that it was to the appearance of the enemy on his way. And, the larger the fish, the more serious the opponent.

In order to most accurately explain the dream, we should remember which fish it was necessary to taste. Expensive sea symbolizes the achievement of rapid success in all endeavors. Small small fishes most often promise troublesome business, empty waste of life energy and strength.

If an unhealthy woman dreamed that she was eating roasted sea fish, then this would lead to a deterioration in health, the appearance of problems with the respiratory organs.

Why dream of eating salted fish?

There is a salty fish in a dream - to a merry, noisy and joyful event. If such a dream was seen by a woman in a position, then it is considered that she is thus warned about the need to more closely monitor her diet and regime. A dream like this promises an impending state of weakness and chronic fatigue.

Why dream of eating herring?

Eating herring is a bad sign, connected with financial difficulties. However, in this case it is easy to cope with monetary problems if you ask for help from relatives and friends.

If a dream is a dream of a business woman, then he warns about stagnation in business. If the same dream is seen by an unemployed woman - then for her it is a symbol of unexpected profit.