Exercises on weight loss machines

Many girls are afraid of simulators and avoid working with weight. However, if you approach from a rational point of view, exercises on weight loss machines are the fastest way to get fit. After all, it is important not just to lose fat mass, but also to acquire muscles.


  1. Warm up on an elliptical trainer or treadmill. The warm-up lasts 10 minutes. Working on an elliptical simulator is to transfer weight from one pedal to another, and active movement of the arms. This is the first exercise in our complex on weight loss machines that will work the entire body, not only the legs, but also the arms, shoulders, the press and back are felt. You can also increase the resistance.
  2. Body lifts on a horizontal bench - the upper press operates. Hands should be held behind the head, the elbows look to the side, do 15-20 repetitions. On the rise, one must exhale.
  3. Raising the legs in the vise - hands are attached to the hilt, bend the legs in the knees and pull them to the chest. In this exercise, on the slimming simulator, first of all, the lower press is involved. We perform 15-20 repetitions.
  4. Falls with dumbbells - you need to take a wide step forward, legs bend - go down and climb up. When bending, there must be a right angle, the stop should go to the heel. We make three sets of 20 repetitions per foot.
  5. Deadlift on straight legs - back straight, knees slightly bent, legs shoulder-width apart. The bar should move along the legs, the heels do not tear off the floor.
  6. We perform superset control 6 and 7. We begin with bending the legs lying on the bench. This exercise involves the muscles of the hip is isolated. We must not tear off the stomach and pelvis from the bench, we lower the weight smoothly.
  7. We make hyperextension - the back surface of the thigh, back muscles and buttocks are involved. The legs during this exercise should be straight, and the body should be straightened to one line with the legs on exhalation.
  8. Treadmill - hitch 10 minutes. If you have a goal to significantly reduce weight, you need to spend at least 40 minutes on the treadmill .