Have they achieved their goal? Looks like Beyoncé is pregnant!

More recently, the press has been constantly informed that the crisis in the relationship between Beyoncé and her husband, rapper Jay Z, is due to the fact that the couple really wants a second child, but all attempts turn into a failure.

It was rumored that the star R'n'B even thought about surrogate motherhood ... However, judging by the photos that are actively discussed by her fans and reporters, Beyonce is still waiting for the baby.

Pregnancy, overweight or strange habit?

How can you determine from the photo that she or another lady is in an interesting position? First of all, these are rounded forms - a puffy chest, an enlarged tummy, a swelling of the face ... If we talk about behavior, the expectant mother in the early stages may be pale, complaining of weakness, nausea and dizziness.

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Why did the secular chroniclers decide that Beyoncé was able to conceive? They carefully studied the photo of the artist and noticed that recently the star, known for her love for frank clothes, began to choose more and more free, baggy clothes. And she unconsciously covers her stomach with her hands, when she turns up under flashes of paparazzi cameras ...

Lately, Beyoncé has got a whole bunch of such photos: at a Christmas party on December 12, the singer came in a dressing gown, supporting her stomach; The birthday of her daughter Beyonce also visited in a free attire. And finally, dinner at the restaurant Son Of A Gun: a voluminous jacket, put on an evening gown.

And do you think the girl will soon become a mother?