New Zealand cuisine

Opening the culinary world atlas, you can once again make sure that the cuisine of New Zealand will come to taste for connoisseurs of European, Asian, and Polynesian traditions. All this is because it was formed under the influence of immigrants. If we talk about local dishes, the housewives prepare them exclusively from natural products, which are extracted by their husbands from rivers, oceans and forests.

It is impossible at any one time to list all the variety and goodies. It is only worth noting that meat dishes in New Zealand cuisine are made from beef, pork, lamb, and a huge popular are stuffed roast beef, a sheep's paddle stuffed with potatoes. From such seafood, as oysters, crustaceans, lobsters cook stuffed delicacies, fry in batter, and also use as a mince for omelet.

National cuisine of New Zealand

  1. From the cuisine of Maori, the Hangi dish (hangi) is very popular. Food is prepared in a special earthen oven for steaming and stones. Meat (chicken, pork or lamb) is added as the main ingredient, and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, onions, pumpkins and sweet potatoes, called kumara, perfectly set off its taste together with garlic and rosemary.
  2. The national dish of New Zealand "Roastkumara" (roastkumara) today enjoys unprecedented popularity not only on this continent, but also in Europe. Sweet potatoes are fried until golden brown in home-made sour cream. If we keep it on fire, we'll get crispy homemade chips that Maori people like so much.
  3. Traditional pies and, in particular, the delicacy of the indigenous population of this state are pies with the unusual name "Kaka" (kuku). They are prepared with a filling of New Zealand green-blue mussels, brown seaweed, honey Manuka, and also from sharp leaves of the well. It is worth noting that another version of the stuffing is made from salmon.
  4. "Bird-lamb" - this is exactly how the Maori dish is translated. It is prepared from titi meat, or rather from grown-up chicks with a thick fat layer. Why does the name feature lamb, but simply because during baking, titi meat has a taste reminiscent of a lamb.
  5. As mentioned above, the national food in New Zealand is a mixture of the delicacies of the people of the whole world. So, almost everyone has heard about the dessert of "Pavlova" (Pavlova), which is especially popular in this state and Australia. It is a small cake-meringue, the main charm of which is fresh fruit.

Food prices

Today, you can try New Zealand's national dishes in almost all cuisines, especially in Anglo-Saxon. And in local restaurants you will be served not just traditional dishes, but a work of art, perfected by the genius ideas of talented Maori chefs. As for the cost, for example, for a small meal in the cafe will need to give from 10 to 20 NZD, in the restaurant - about 30 NZD.