Brad Pitt quits his job for family reasons

Brad Pitt said that he had to miss the premiere screening of the documentary "Time Travel", directed by director Terrence Malik, whose voice acting he was engaged in, due to problems in his family.

Lack of a film premiere

52-year-old Brad Pitt, who is divorced from 41-year-old Angelina Jolie, is not up to the holidays. Soon the premiere of the visual poem "The Journey of Time" will be held, which will tell the story of the origin of our universe and its destruction. The appearance of Pitt, whose voice sounds out of the picture in the film, was to be an ornament of the event. However, in connection with the changed family circumstances, the actor will miss this event.

Press Release

Brad explained his decision by the need to focus on solving family problems. Also, according to the actor, he does not want his troubles and excessive media attention to his private life, distract the audience from the film itself.

In his statement, Pitt thanked the authors of the educational picture for the opportunity to participate in its creation and recommended his fan to watch the fascinating tape.

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Let's remind, about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, whose union seemed inviolable to many, became known last week. Financial nuances in the dissolution of the marriage of actors are clearly stipulated in a rigid marriage contract, the situation is more complicated with the issue of child custody, which celebrities will decide through the court.

Voyage Of Time: The IMAX Experience - Trailer: