Appendicitis in the child

In different age groups, the likelihood of appendicitis in children is not the same. The highest in school-age children, namely after 10 years - from 80%. The average frequency of diseases falls on preschool children - about 12%, and the least of all emergencies occurs in the young nursery age - only 5%.

Causes of appendicitis in children

The main influence on the development of inflammation in the appendix is ​​caused by malnutrition, frequent constipation, the presence of concomitant diseases (tuberculosis, typhoid, intestinal parasites). But still the exact reason, to find out so far failed. Nobody knows why some live up to the age with appendicitis, while others part with it already in childhood.

How does appendicitis develop in children?

This dangerous surgical disease is frightened by all parents without exception. Therefore, the first signs of appendicitis in children of different ages should be known to prevent a formidable complication-the rupture of an appendix (peritonitis).

Many do not know if appendicitis occurs in very young children. In infants and up to two or three years of age, such cases are atypical and are extremely rare.

But if all this happened, and my mother suspected something was wrong, then the children under the age of three, the pain is not localized somewhere in one place, the child simply complains of the tummy that hurts. Simultaneously with these complaints, the child's mood suddenly deteriorates, he refuses to eat, drink, play, wants to lie down. Against this background, often a high temperature rises to 40 ° C and there are multiple vomiting and diarrhea.

Since the baby does not drink, and the fluid during vomiting and bowel movements is rapidly removed from the body, in a short period of time the condition worsens - the mucous membranes dry out, the skin becomes grayish, the baby does not feel the tummy.

The difference between a child's appendicitis and an adult in his lightning current. All processes are very fast, and therefore the earlier the child is delivered to the surgical department, the less likely the complication.

Older children, about 5-7 years, react differently to pain. They point to the source of pain, which is located in the navel area. After a while, unpleasant sensations shift to the liver region, giving to the right side. Vomiting in a child can be single or absent. The temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C.

After 10 years of pain can be neostroy, which is not even always pay attention. It is localized in the right side or near the navel. Vomiting, upset of the stool and temperature are rare.

If parents do not know how to recognize appendicitis in a child and how the abdomen hurts in children, it should be understood that only 30% of cases have the same clinical picture - vomiting, pale skin, pain in the right side. Most of the case is atypical - that is, pain can be anywhere, felt in the area of ​​the bladder, intestine, kidney or stomach.

Therefore, as soon as a suspicion of appendicitis arose, you should immediately go to the hospital, where on the basis of a blood test they conclude that the operation is necessary and urgent. It should be borne in mind, suspecting appendicitis in a child, that before an operation for 12 hours a child can not be fed.

Postoperative recovery

As soon as the kid moves away from the influence of anesthesia, he should spend about another day in bed - it all depends on the age of the patient. But on the second day, under the supervision of a doctor, the child must certainly begin to get up and move slowly. If this is not done in time, the risk of adhesions increases, in particular if appendicitis is purulent.

Approximately on the 5th-7th day the patient is discharged, giving out a certificate-exemption from physical education. The child can not jump from a height for a month, run, ride a bicycle, lift weights. But this does not mean full immobilization - on the contrary, easy domestic work, quiet games and walks are extremely necessary for the prevention of adhesive process.