Chlorophyllitis for children

First-aid kit of almost every family where there is a small child is usually packed to the top: iodine, zelenka, ointments, tablets medicines. Of course, because babies are constantly clinging to all sorts of ills and troubles, ranging from colds and otitis and ending with a swab and broken knees. But few parents know that you can cope with these diseases with one safe, but proven means - chlorophyllipt. This universal product is absolutely natural - it is produced from an extract of chlorophylls contained in the leaves of eucalyptus trees, has no contraindications and is effective in treating a wide range of diseases, which makes chlorophyllipt irreplaceable for children.

General information about the preparation

Chlorophyllipt is released in various forms: tablets, oil and alcohol solution, spray. He successfully copes with various bacteria and inflammations and even that is important for the parents of infants, with staphylococcus. Side effects occur extremely rarely and then, as a consequence of individual allergic reactions. Can be manifested in the form of redness, rash, swelling of the mucous.

Since the indications for use in the manual are strictly limited to diseases caused by staphylococci, and its use is recommended to people from 12 years of age, the question arises: is chlorophyllipt possible for children? There is extensive experience in the use of the drug in pediatric practice in the treatment of angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Chloropillitis with angina for children

Most often with angina, chlorophyllipt is used for children. Enough 2 inject 3-4 times a day and literally after a few days, there is relief. No less successfully used chlorophyllipt alcohol for gargling children. Chlorophyllipt oil solution is used to lubricate the children of the throat. That is, we see that virtually every form of the drug shown in the home medicine cabinet is shown for the treatment of angina.

Chlorophyllipt with blood poisoning

When blood is contaminated in a hospital, intravenous chlorophyllipt alcohol is used for infants. To do this, 0.25% of the drug is diluted with saline and injected into the vein of the baby. The daily dose of the drug is 0.5 ml. To enhance the effect, it is also recommended to apply 1% solution inside, to do this, a few drops of the solution are diluted in breast milk or a milk mixture and give crumbs.

External application

Perhaps the vast majority of young parents are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a hanger. And here, chlorophyllipt will also come to the rescue. In order to get rid of the scourge, you should treat the baby's skin twice a day with a cotton swab dipped in chlorophyllite. After the first application, a visible effect will appear.

Growing children constantly fall, hit, scratch. And here we can not do without this universal extract of eucalyptus leaves, which will have an antibacterial and drying effect, will speed up the healing process.

In adolescence, a grown-up child will overcome a new trouble - juvenile acne. Get rid of unpleasant rashes can also be using chlorophyllipt, but they need to be treated point-wise, so as not to over-dry the imperfect skin of the face.

Chlorophyllipt in the nose of children

In the treatment of maxillary sinuses, a chrophyllipt in the form of an oily solution is dripped in the nose to children. To do this, the baby is put on his side and accurately dig in five drops of the drug into each nostril according to the principle - we put it on the left side, drip into the right nostril and vice versa.

Chlorophyllipt tablets for children

Since the drug successfully fights against pathogenic flora, it is successfully used in this dosage form in complex therapy for respiratory diseases and stomatitis. In this case, they should not be swallowed, but kept in the mouth until dissolved. Recall that there are no official clinical data on the use of chlorophyllipt for children. Therefore, always consult with your doctor before giving chlorophyllipt to children.