Why does the money tree shed its leaves?

Perhaps, not one house plant is associated with as many signs as with a thick-skinned or, as it is often called, a money tree. Many believe that the level of family welfare depends on the size of the money tree, and most importantly on the number of leaves on it. The plant is very unpretentious, does not require special conditions or complex care, rapidly growing, but at the same time, the situation when the leaves of the money tree fall, are quite common. Why the money tree sheds leaves, how to avoid it and how to help it - read about all this in our article.

The reasons for the fall of the leaves of the money tree

1. One of the reasons why the leaves are blown off the money tree, lies in the wrong care of the plant. Although she is rather unpretentious, but to some points she is demanding:

2. The second possible reason for the leaves to fall from the money tree is disease . Most often this is fusarious rot, resulting from overflow. At the same time the fatty stems begin to rot, which leads to the death of the whole plant. At the same time, a pink-pink coating forms on the root collar, and then the leaves begin to fall off. To avoid this, when planting a money tree, it is necessary to add well-ground charcoal to the soil. It is necessary not to forget about drainage - for these purposes it is better to use expanded clay, having laid out its layer not less than 20 mm. If the plant has already suffered, you can try to save it, transplanted into new soil, thoroughly cleansed the roots and cut off all rotted.

3. To become the cause of loss of leaves can and an excess of fertilizers . In this case, it is better to transplant the money tree to a new soil.

4. Another reason for the money tree to discard the leaves is a very high air temperature . Under adverse conditions, the money tree, like other plants, will tend to multiply. And it will be done just by dropping healthy leaves, which in the future will be able to germinate and give offspring.