Wide swaddling for dysplasia

Today the parents of the newborn choose to swaddle their baby or not. Recently, many have abandoned the traditional tight swaddling, preferring to free or in general clothing children from birth in the sliders and body.

It would seem that the issue of swaddling depends solely on the attitude of young parents towards it. But sometimes a doctor can appoint it, as, for example, in the case of a wide swaddling. Let's look at this concept in more detail.

Wide swaddling is a technique that is used as a conservative treatment for hip dysplasia in newborns. This is an ailment that most often occurs in children born in breech presentation, as well as with trauma (subluxation and dislocation of the hip). This approach to swaddling can also be used to prevent this disease in children under 6 months. With small dysplasia, wide swaddling can be the best option, since it can be used from birth and is an alternative to Pavlik's stirrups and Vilensky's bus .

How correctly to do a wide swaddling?

It is not difficult to master the art of wide swaddling. You will need only a little practice and the most common diapers.

  1. Spread an easy calico diaper on the changing table. On top of it, put the other, folded into a triangle. Place the child so that his ass is exactly in the center of the triangle. Do not forget to put a disposable diaper on your baby, otherwise you will have to transplant it very often.
  2. Wrap first one leg of the child, and then the second end of the triangle, fixing them under the legs from the bottom. Lower the angle, tilt up to the level of the navel and fill, as in the usual swaddling.
  3. Between the legs, lay another third diaper (dense) or a small pillow. Watch that the child remains in the position of the frog - the legs are bent at the knees and spread out to the sides, the angle between the leg and the body at the same time should be from 60 to 90 degrees.
  4. Spin the baby with a light diaper, fixing it in the correct position.

Use of underpants for wide swaddling

Instead of a diaper for wide swaddling, you can use special panties. They can be bought in specialized pharmacies at maternity homes or ordered on the Internet. The use of such panties makes it easy for mother to take care of the baby, because they easily dress, and the baby is not as hot in them as in three diapers.