Milk Liqueur

To pamper yourself and friends with a delicious alcoholic beverage, you do not need to go to a bar or cafe. Now we will tell you how to make milk liqueur at home.

Recipe for milk liqueur



In a jar with a capacity of 2 liters, pour in milk, cognac, pour out sugar and vanilla sugar. Lemon, along with zedra, cut into slices and also sent to a jar with milk mixture. We close the jar with a lid and in a dark place we keep the liqueur for at least 11 days at room temperature. It is advisable to shake the future liquor 2 times a day. At the end of this time, we filter the liquor through cheesecloth. Now the liquor is poured into a bottle and kept for about another day. Homemade milk liqueur is ready, you can taste it!

Egg-Milk Liqueur



Milk is mixed with sugar powder and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. After it has cooled, add the yolks and stir. The resulting mixture is filtered through a fine sieve or gauze. Now pour in the vodka and stir again. Such a liquor is desirable to insist at least a day in a cool place.

Coffee and milk liqueur



In boiled water, add condensed milk and stir, then add coffee and vanillin, mix again and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. After that, let's cool down, add vodka and put the refrigerator in the refrigerator for 12 hours. A delicious liquor is ready. To taste it is very similar to the well-known liquor of industrial production "Baileys" .

And now we will tell you what to drink with milk liqueur. In such a liqueur before use, you can add a little ice. Also, milk liqueurs are usually served with desserts, in particular with fruits. And sometimes they are served ice cream. In general, it's a matter of taste.