Aquarium plant vallisneria

No artificial plant in the aquarium can replace living algae. Many of them are very unpretentious, and it is easy to grow them. Such aquarium plants include vallisneria.

Aquarium plant vallisneria - content

Vallisneria is a perennial aquatic plant belonging to the family of water-flowers. Its bushes have beautiful narrow leaves, the length of which can reach one meter, and their color can be different shades of red and green. The thin and elastic roots of the plant never break. Plant this aquarium plant along the back wall of the container, although it looks nice on the sides of the aquarium. To grow a beautiful vallisneria, you need to know some of the features of caring for it.

  1. The conditions of keeping the aquarium plants of vallisneria are very simple. The roots of the plant do not go deep into the soil , but are located on the surface. Vallisneria is not demanding on the soil, so most often it is grown in shallow gravel.
  2. Arrangement of the aquarium . This aquarium plant loves bright light, but it grows quite normal even with its lack. Well-behaving vallisneria at room temperature, but reducing it to 15 degrees can be disastrous for her.
  3. Care . Special care for the aquarium plant vallisneria is not required. If it has grown too much and filled the entire aquarium, then do not cut off the leaves that float on the surface of the water. It is better to root with the roots of the daughter bushes of vallisneria. At the same time it will be necessary to cut off the scissors with the help of which the children are connected with the mother plant.
  4. Reproduction . Vallisneria multiplies itself by creeping layers, which are located in the ground. The plant can even bloom in the aquarium by releasing arrows with small white flowers above the water surface.
  5. Diseases of aquarium plants are related to poor quality of water. But if you need to treat fish from any disease, then it is better to drop the vallisneria for this period into another container.

Decorate the aquarium with vallisneria, and your fish will be kept in a beautiful and cozy water house.