Noshpalgin - indications for use

Without drugs in this category, no one can live. It's about analgesics . Sooner or later, almost everyone needs to resort to their help. Very often, Noshpalgin is prescribed - a drug with not a very diverse list of indications for use, but acting very quickly and effectively. It can be used by almost all groups of patients. But you need to do this very carefully - like any medicine, this pain medication has certain contraindications.

Composition of Noshpalgin

The basis of the drug - the three main components:

  1. Paracetamol is an antipyretic agent with analgesic action.
  2. Drotaverin provides neutralization of spasms.
  3. Codeine phosphate is an analgesic substance that acts on opiate receptors that transmit painful impulses.

In addition to these components, Noshpalgin includes:

What is the medicine Noshpalgin assigned to?

Nospalgin belongs to the group of combined analgesic agents. That is, it can be used for pain of a different origin and strength.

Nospalgine is indicated for:

The drug helps in all cases. But as practice has shown, Noshpalgin is most effective at headaches. He even suppresses the most severe attacks, when all other medicines are powerless.

How many Noshpalgina tablets should I take?

Dosage and duration of treatment, as in the case of many other drugs, is determined for each patient individually. But since it is an analgesic, only a few groups of patients need to drink it. Basically, relief comes after eating one or two tablets. By the way, according to the instructions, Noshpalgin is available only in tablets, analogs of the medication are sold in ampoules.

The action of the remedy is seen right away. Within a few minutes the pain recedes and becomes easier. If this does not happen, you can drink the drug again. But it is recommended to do this not earlier than in eight hours. Although with the urgent need, the rules to break, of course, you can.

If you have to drink Noshpalgin for several days, it is important not to exceed the maximum allowable dose. For a three-day course, six tablets per day, and for a longer one - no more than four.

Decrease dosage can for people suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency. In other cases, the dosage is not necessary. In order for the medicine to act quickly, you need to drink it while eating. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and any other medicines with paracetamol.

Contraindications to the use of Nospalgina

This is a strong enough medicine, so, of course, it is not recommended to abuse it. According to the instructions for use, you can not drink Noshpalgina tablets if: