Tomato varieties of Siberian breeding

The sharply continental climate of Siberia obliges local gardeners to carefully select seeds for planting. After all, it is from this choice, in the first place will depend on the amount of harvest. This also applies to the vegetable you love - the tomato. The light day in the northern regions is short and the plants, accustomed to a lot of sunlight, are unlikely to grow up strong and healthy. Therefore, varieties of tomato of Siberian selection, intended for planting in cold areas, must necessarily have one important quality - precocity. After all, only for three warm summer months the plant must have time to develop and begin to bear fruit. In addition, for any vegetable grower, fruit taste and yield are also important. All these qualities are waiting for summer residents from varieties of tomatoes from Siberian breeding. Let's talk in more detail about varieties of tomatoes recommended for growing in cold regions.

The main differences between varieties

Before you proceed directly to the selection of seeds, you should determine for what purposes and under what conditions tomatoes will be grown. Some varieties show their qualities better in the greenhouse, others in the open ground. To each variety certain recommendations on cultivation are given, which are better to observe if you want to get a rich harvest.

Tomatoes differ from each other in the nature of growth. Indeterminate varieties have a powerful main stalk, which does not stop in development. Determinant varieties of tomatoes from Siberian breeding form a small bush, the inflorescences and fruits on which are formed simultaneously. The latter, as a rule, are more productive.

Also worth mentioning is how the brand differs from the hybrid. Hybrids are obtained by crossing several varieties, and they are far ahead of ordinary varieties in terms of productivity and unpretentiousness. But already in the second generation, such a plant loses its properties, while varietal tomatoes will consistently yield a crop for several years.

The best tomato for the Siberian region

Here are some examples of the best varieties of tomatoes from Siberian breeding:

  1. "Velmozha" is the largest variety bred by Siberian breeders. Grow it should be in the greenhouse. It will begin to bear fruit after about 110-120 days, and the weight of one tomato can reach 1 kg.
  2. The variety "Great Warrior" will allow you to get ultra-early tomatoes. The period of vegetation is only three months. A ripe fruit can weigh up to 500 g.
  3. "Nastenka" forms compact low bushes and brings large fruits. It is one of the best varieties for growing in greenhouses or under film shelters.
  4. "Dubok" is a deterministic cold-resistant tomato variety recommended for growing in northern regions with a harsh climate. Designed for open ground. Not afraid of even blown places. The fruits are small, well suited for canning.
  5. The variety "Nature's Mystery" is distinguished by its peculiar color. Yellow outside and pink inside, these tomatoes combine the best of two types of tomatoes: dietary qualities of yellow varieties and sugar taste of pink. Collect the harvest can be in 110 days after emergence.
  6. "Nikitka" is a determinant mid- term variety that will begin to bear fruit after 110-115 days. Small smooth tomatoes of orange color are ideal for both fresh consumption and salting.
  7. "Lady's fingers" are determinant early-day tomatoes for open ground or temporary film shelters. The variety ripens in three months. Fruits are small red smooth pear-shaped.