Teams for dogs

Puppy training for teams for dogs should begin at the age of about 1.5-2 months. It is necessary to praise the animal for the correctly executed command, and also to be patient, and then you will succeed.

What commands should a dog know?

How to accustom a dog to the teams is a long-established and well-established process. The first and strongest team that a dog should remember is the nickname . Training begins almost immediately with the appearance of a puppy in the house. When the master pronounces the nickname of a dog, she must immediately turn her attention to him. And this will begin after repeated repetition of this command. In addition, during the period of instruction it is not necessary to call the puppy the modified variants of the nickname, because for a dog the names, for example, Rex and Rexik are completely different words.

After mastering the nickname, it's time to learn the command "To Me" . It is necessary that when you start going out for walks, the puppy does not run away, but comes back to you at the first call. Also necessary basic commands for training dogs are "Near", "Sitting", "Can not", " Lying ", "Place" . The rest are mastered as necessary.

How to teach the dog commands?

Accustoming the dog to the execution of commands occurs through a positive and negative impact on the puppy. Positive reinforcement is a small treat that the dog receives for each correctly executed command. First, show the dog how to do this or that action (for example, when working off the " Sit " command - sit it down) and treat it to delicious, then repeat it several times. Sooner or later there will come a time when the puppy himself will understand what is required of him. If you train periodically, the dog will remember the desired action well and it will be possible not to use the treat, the team will be performed without it.

Negative reinforcement is a small punishment of a dog for undesirable behavior. It is important not to cross the border. In no event should you beat the dog, close it in a separate room. It is permissible to speak in a strict tone (dogs are best distinguished by the tone of the voice, rather than individual words), threatening with a finger, splashing the dog with water from the atomizer. Usually negative reinforcement is used when working off the command "You can not" , and the rest of the training process can be conducted only with the help of positive reinforcement.