Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway

Decorative stone has long and firmly established in the interior of the hallway - the first and main room of the house. Therefore, if you also decided to decorate the walls of your dwelling with this new and interesting material, then let's figure out how to do it right.

Stone in the interior of the hallway

Before using a stone in the interior of the hallway, it is necessary to understand what an artificial stone is and how to choose it correctly. So, an artificial stone is a mixture of mineral raw materials and marble chips bound with a special binding agent. When buying this decorative material, pay attention to its naturalness - the more natural the look of a stone, the more qualitative it is. When choosing, be guided by the price category and the producer country, since a stone, though artificial, does not suffer economics. Also pay attention to the cut stone - it should not contain large particles, otherwise cracks and chips can not be avoided.

Now we turn to decorating the hallway. In the decor with an artificial stone, the first thing to notice is the general color mood of the hallway. It is not necessary to choose a stone of contrasting shades, as usually an already small entrance hall reduces this addition. Use a stone of natural colors, a couple of shades different from the color range of the walls. Also in the hallway is to avoid the total "walling" of walls with a stone, just a few accent spots, for example, along the outline of the entrance door, or the cabinet, or along the floor line. Spread the stone chaotically, do not build "pyramids" and "ladders" from it, since such a design is not relevant in the modern interior. The same techniques use, creating an interior corridor with a stone.

Interior decoration with decorative stone

In addition to the fragmentary stone inserts in the corridor or the hallway, it is also possible to decorate the entire interior with a decorative stone, if you adhere to a certain style, or specific rooms in the house, to give texture accents. Most often, stone walls are lined with living rooms and bedrooms, less often bathrooms and kitchens, because, in connection with the specific conditions, in the last two rooms the artificial stone quickly deteriorates.

The interior of the bedroom with a decorative stone suffers a game with contrasts, so in the bedrooms most often one of the walls is covered with a stone coating of contrasting color.

Living rooms are often decorated with a fragmentary stone: they are laid out with a fireplace, or decorative niches, however, it is also permissible and full coverage of one of the walls.