Electric shock - First Aid

In connection with the widespread use of electrical appliances in everyday life, the risk of injury is particularly high. Therefore, today the rules of electrical safety and the treatment of the injured are particularly relevant. Specificity of electric trauma consists in simultaneous action on the skin and internal organs.

First aid in case of electric shock

The initial stage of providing assistance involves eliminating the effect of current on the body. To do this, it must be pulled away from the previously de-energized wires. It is important to observe the rules of electrical safety, namely:

  1. When moving, do not tear your legs off the ground.
  2. To move the patient should, using a dry wooden or plastic stick.

If the affected person has no consciousness, first aid in case of an electric shock involves cardiac muscle massage and artificial respiration. Do these activities need a long time before the appearance of signs of life, in the absence of which many people think that death has come. It is strictly forbidden to wrap the patient while he is unconscious, since he will not be able to straighten the chest while restoring breathing, which can lead to death.

Treatment of burns caused by shock to the currents, and first aid, involves the application of a dry bandage to previously sore spots of penicillin ointment or a solution of potassium permanganate. If the victim remains conscious, then they provide peace, wrapped in a blanket and give strong tea.

Electric shock - first aid

Medical care consists of the following stages for the return of normal breathing and the work of the heart. For this, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Artificial respiration with inhalation of carbogen or oxygen.
  2. Indirect massage of the heart .
  3. Defibrillation is indicated for severe electrotrauma.
  4. Subcutaneous administration of lobeline, which provides the excitation of respiration;
  5. In asphyxia, bloodletting is carried out with simultaneous infusion of glucose.
  6. If necessary, adrenaline, caffeine and camphor can be used.
  7. With increased pressure, a spinal puncture is performed.

The fight against tissue damage is conservative, since the risk of bleeding due to vascular disruption is high enough. Treatment of burns does not require special treatment. The recovery period of the patient is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.