
There are people who go through life, do not look around, and not noticing others. Such people do not even think that it is difficult for them to hear the heart of their neighbor, to imagine themselves in his place. Moreover, sometimes, they push the others, stepping on their feet and, roughly speaking, on their heads, considering it an acceptable behavior. Such people have their own self in the first place, their own judgments and point of view. This phenomenon is called egocentrism.

So, egocentrism is not a mental illness, but a person's position, which is characterized by complete concentration on one's own experiences, views, interests, etc. The egocentric person is incapable of taking and taking into account information that contradicts her personal experience, including that coming from others. That is, egocentrism is the inability to put oneself in the place of another person, the inability to "stay in someone else's skin," the unwillingness to succumb to one's preferences and interests.

Manifestations of egocentrism

Psychology uses the concept of "egocentrism" after it was introduced by Jean Piaget to describe the thinking typical of children 8-10 years old.

Egocentrism is clearly manifested in early childhood and is overcome by 11-14 years. But, as a rule, in old age there is again a tendency to strengthen this feature of thinking.

Egocentrism in varying degrees of severity persists in some individuals and at a more mature age.

We list the factors and circumstances that affect whether a person will be an egocentric in adulthood or not:

  1. The only child in the family.
  2. The youngest of brothers or sisters.
  3. Late child.
  4. The domineering mother.
  5. Inclination to infantilism.
  6. The right hemisphere is more active than the left one.
  7. Indifference of parents, in particular, mother, to the child.
  8. Extreme material constraints in childhood.

But not one of the factors is not the final reason. in many respects the root cause of egocentrism in a person, depends on the personal qualities of the person himself.

Selfishness and egocentrism

Despite the widespread opinion, but egocentrism is not a synonym or form, a degree of selfishness. So, for example, an egoist sees the world around him as an arena of struggle for his own point of view, for his own interests. In most cases, he is inclined to view the surrounding society as enemies, or as rivals with whom it is necessary to compete and fight. On the way to achieving the desired result, a selfish person, as never before, uses the expression "The end justifies the means".

The egocentric, in turn, sees the world around him as a community that is only enamored of him and puzzled by his problems. Otherwise, he firmly believes that this should be so.

Due to certain attitudes, the surrounding people easily notice selfishness. But egocentrism at first sight for an ordinary unsophisticated person will manifest itself as a friendly, sincere attitude. This will last until there is a situation that will force the self-centered person to make any sacrifices. But the egocentric is not ready for this, because, in his opinion, it is to be sacrificed in his favor, but certainly not he.

On average, female egocentrism is the most common word combination corresponding to reality than "male egocentrism". In truth, in a reasonable amount, such egocentrism is a small part of femininity.

How to deal with egocentrism?

With egocentrism it is impossible to fight until a person realizes that he wants to get rid of it. Either the good will of the egocentric himself, or the changed circumstances where it is inappropriate to apply his special thinking, can save a person from egocentric thinking.

If it happens that egocentricity is observed in a person close to you, then it is necessary with caution and patience to promote your ideas concerning the eradication of egocentrism from it.