Avitaminosis in cats

In spring and autumn, they feel the lack of vitamins not only people, but also cats. Avitaminosis in an animal can develop for various reasons. As a rule, it occurs in the case of a violation of absorption of vitamins through the gastrointestinal tract, especially when helminths are present in the intestine of the cat. A greater need for vitamins occurs in young animals, in pregnant or lactating animals, as well as in cats weakened by various diseases.

Avitaminosis in cats - symptoms

In the period of vitamin deficiency in animals, the most important protective functions of the body decrease. They become sluggish, lose weight, their skin is not elastic, the hair grows dull.

If you notice signs of avitaminosis in a cat, take immediate action, otherwise for a weak animal this will turn into a serious illness.

When there is a lack of vitamin A, the cat becomes dull in sight, tears and purulent discharge flow from the eyes. If the cat at this time is breeding offspring, a lack of vitamin A can threaten her with miscarriage or the birth of dead kittens. In this case, fish oil, enriched with vitamins, helps.

In the case of deficiency of B vitamins affects the work of the nervous system, which is fraught with the occurrence of anemia, seizures and even paralysis. Therefore, the owners should daily pamper their cat with raw meat, liver and bone meal.

With vitamin C deficiency, the animal can notice swelling of the joints, stomach and liver diseases. Gum is also swollen, and the mouth becomes inflamed. Replenish the lack of vitamin C will help carrots and milk. And if a cat likes to eat fruit, it's very good. In this case they will be irreplaceable.

Avitaminosis in cats treatment

The first thing to pay attention to in case of vitamin deficiency is a balanced diet. A cat should with food obtain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition, special vitamin complexes are sold, they can also be added to food. Vitamin supplements contain many modern cat food. But do not forget that in your pet's daily diet there must be young grass , raw liver, fish oil, milk and cottage cheese.