Antibiotics for poisoning

In the summer, as well as in the autumn period, cases of food poisoning are much more frequent. Let's figure out whether it is worth taking antibiotics for poisoning or whether it's best to use other drugs.

Use of antibiotics for food poisoning

When poisoning the body with harmful substances and toxins that are absorbed into the blood, emergency measures must be taken. To do this, use sorbents , which contribute to the removal of harmful poisons from the body. Also:

  1. Do a lavage of the stomach.
  2. Assign a plentiful drink.
  3. Provoke vomiting.

As for the prescription of antibiotics for food poisoning, there is no unambiguous answer. The fact is that to identify the true cause of poisoning, and therefore to determine the need to prescribe these drugs can only be a qualified doctor. After all, not all poisoning requires the use of antibiotic therapy, especially since such drugs can harm the body and only aggravate the patient's condition.

Unauthorized use of antibiotics for poisoning and intestinal infections can adversely affect health and significantly change the picture of the disease, and weaken the body. After all, after receiving them, not only harmful microbes, but also useful bacteria will be destroyed. That is why the appointment of these medications is justified only in extreme cases, when the infection that caused intoxication can be eliminated only with the help of antibacterial agents. A number of necessary analyzes should be made.

What antibiotics should I take when I get poisoned?

One of the effective drugs for intoxication is Levomycetin. True, it also effectively destroys the entire flora in the intestine. Therefore, its reception is not always justified and desirable. Reception of such antibiotics as this, as well as Furadonin and Furazolidon, may be prescribed exclusively by an infectious disease doctor after taking certain tests. Therefore, many a question, what antibiotics to drink at a poisoning not to do much harm to the organism. There are several drugs that have a local effect and are attributed to intestinal infections of a severe nature. These include:

These antibiotics have low toxicity, are not absorbed into the blood, but act directly on the intestine itself. With their help, you can fight bacteria that have arisen from food poisoning. By the way, the preparation of Ftalazol is prescribed for acute need even for pregnant women.