Red-bellied turtle does not eat, languid and sleeps

Most often in the house contain cats, dogs or fish . But there are also lovers of exotic animals: parrots, lizards or turtles. Especially popular are red-eared turtles , who are bought at a pet store, on the market or brought from distant seas. With the right condition of keeping the turtle can live in the aquarium for up to fifty years. They are unpretentious, however, before starting such an animal, one should inquire about the conditions of its maintenance. Sometimes the owners of such a turtle are interested: why the red-bellied tortoise does not eat anything, languid and constantly sleeps.

Causes of poor health of the turtle turtle

If a red-bellied turtle does not eat anything and almost all the time sleeps, then there may be several reasons for this state of its turf. Perhaps this is a consequence of a change of residence, if you recently bought a turtle, or just changed the water in the aquarium. In a few days your pet will acclimatize, get used to the new composition of water and again become active.

With the advent of autumn, sunny days are less and the turtle becomes less active during this period. After all, in nature, turtles need hibernation. But at home, the tortoise has only a slight decrease in its activity. If there are no signs of the disease, then this condition will gradually go away in a couple of months with increasing daylight hours. Especially create conditions for the hibernation of a freshwater home turtle is not worth it.

However, it happens that the turtle still falls asleep in the fall. Then it is necessary to put it in a box, which is put up to spring in a damp and cool place. Around mid-March, the red-bellied turtle should wake up. But if this does not happen, then the owner must wake her up, otherwise the animal may die from prolonged dehydration and starvation. To wake up this "sleeping beauty", you need to gradually move the box with the turtle to a lighter and warmer place.

If you have acquired a male turtle, then during the period of sexual activity, it becomes restless and may sharply refuse to eat. This condition is normalized after the mating season has passed.

The owner of the red-bellied turtle should know that for the normal well-being of this cold-blooded animal it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 26-35 ° C. After all, the turtle belongs to a class of reptiles that can not independently maintain body temperature, as it happens, for example, in humans or other mammals. Therefore, if your turtle is listless, look at the reading of the water thermometer and, if necessary, increase the water temperature.

Sometimes, especially with group content of turtles, stronger individuals take food from the weak. If you notice this, then try to feed these turtles separately.

Red-eared turtles are omnivorous, but it is better to feed these animals in half with vegetable and meat, but with low-fat food. Turtles are very fond of fish. It is useful to diversify their food beetles, grasshoppers and even earthworms. For a strong shell of turtles it is useful to give crushed bone meal. If you do not adhere to such a diet, then it can have a bad effect on the health of the animal.

In general, water red-eared turtles are not adapted to our climate and are therefore susceptible to various diseases: pneumonia, constipation, helminthiosis. For example, a tortoise can inflame eyelids, it does not want to eat and sits with closed eyes. Or she may have discharge from the nose, sneezing, bleeding. In any case, you should contact the veterinarian, who will determine the cause of the bug's malaise and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.