Axial hernia

Hernia is the exit of one organ from its cavity into the adjacent one through a hole without compromising the integrity of the membrane. There are several types of hernia digestive system, but the axial occurs in 90% of cases of disease, that is, every twentieth.

Axial hernia of the esophagus

This kind of hernia is congenital or acquired. This disease is associated with the pathology of the diaphragmatic aperture. With age, the muscles of the diaphragm lose elasticity, so the diseases associated with its work often have an age-related character.

Types of axial hernia of the esophagus

Axial hernia in medicine is also called hiatal. There are three types of this kind of hernia:

  1. Sliding axial hernia. It is characteristic that the displacement of part of the esophagus or stomach into the thoracic region occurs along the axis of the esophagus up and down depending on the position of the human body, hence the name.
  2. The parasophageal hernia. It occurs much less often. In this case, the upper stomach is normal, and its lower part "rises", protrudes through the diaphragmatic esophageal opening, and the stomach turns upside down.
  3. Combined hernia. At this type of hiatal hernia, the parameters of the two previous hernia types are manifested.

Isolate 1 and 2 degrees of axial hiatal hernia, depending on its size and level of protrusion into the chest cavity:

  1. Axial hiatal hernia of the 1st degree is characterized by the fact that it expands and protrudes the lower part of the esophagus, while the stomach is located under the diaphragm.
  2. At 2 degrees of axial hiatal hernia, the esophagus and part of the stomach move through the diaphragmatic opening into the thoracic cavity.

Treated 1 and 2 degrees of axial hiatal hernia usually conservative methods - with a certain diet (№ 1) and medications. Sometimes, at grade 2, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.