Khinkali in the multivark

Khinkali is a dish of Georgian cuisine. Something they are like our dumplings, except that there is a fragrant broth inside the khinkali except for minced meat. So it's like bags of soup. These khinkali are large, they are served at the rate of 2-3 pieces per person, they are eaten by hand. Eating khinkali is a whole science. First, bite a piece of dough, then through the hole formed a broth is drunk, and then the dough with the filling is already eaten. The mastery of a real Georgian hostess is estimated by how the bag is formed. In these khinkali must be at least 20 wrinkles.

In this article we will tell you how to prepare real Georgian khinkali in a multivark.

How to cook khinkali in a multivariate?



We sift the flour and make a deepening in the middle of the formed hill. There, pour in warm water, add the beaten egg, a pinch of salt. Knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and leave it for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, we prepare the filling: cut the meat as small as possible, add the crushed onion to it. We pour broth into the meat, add salt and pepper to taste, mix everything. Now we return to the test: roll it into a very thin layer and cut out circles from it, which in diameter will be not less than 10 cm. For each circle we spread the filling with the size of a small cutlet and collect the edges upward. Above, they are fastened together. How to cook khinkali in a multivariate? Everything is simple and fast. Pour the water into the bowl of the multivark, add the bay leaf, turn on the "Soup" mode, after about 10 minutes the water will begin to boil, add khinkali and cook for about 20 minutes. At ready khinkali, if desired, you can lay a piece of butter and top with a shredded greenery. For these purposes, and suitable basil, and parsley with dill, and coriander.

Preparation of khinkali in a multi-pair store

Due to the addition of minced meat, khinkali comes out very juicy, but if you add more cream, the filling will be juicy twice. We suggest you experiment and try to prepare another stuffing with the addition of greens and cream. The dough is as described in the previous recipe.


For filling:


Meat with onions scrolled through a meat grinder, add salt, spices, cream, broth and crushed green cilantro and parsley. We mix everything well. We spread the filling on the billets of the dough and form "bags".

We cook khinkali for a couple in a multivark. To do this, put them on a grate, greased with vegetable oil, so that the dough does not stick. In the cup multivarka pour water, add a few peas of sweet pepper, a couple of laurel leaves. From above we establish a lattice. We set the mode "Steamer", the choice of dishes - "Meat", time - 30 minutes. We serve khinkali to the table, sprinkling red pepper on top.

Frozen khinkali in the multivark

If you have free time, you can cook khinkali for future use and freeze them. Then, before serving, they will be enough to remove from the freezer, lay on the grill for steaming and set the desired mode. Defrost khinkali before cooking is not necessary. Only the cooking time will increase slightly and amount to 40 minutes.

Fried in a multiquark khinkali

There is a legend that Erekle II is a Georgian king, loved fried khinkali. For sure, it's very tasty. How to weld khinkali in a multivark, we already told you. Now you can take them and fry them lightly in butter. And you can initially cook khinkali in a multivark, fried in deep fat. To do this, pour oil in the bowl of the multivark, turn on the "Baking" mode, when the oil boils, dip the khinkali into it and cook for 10 minutes.