Preparations-muscle relaxants

Back pain is a problem that can permanently dislodge even the strongest person. The reasons for the pain can be very many, but at the time of the attack, you do not even want to think about them. The only thing that bothers a person suffering from pain is how quickly to get rid of this trouble. Miorelaxants - drugs that with pain can help to cope as well as possible.

Miorelaxants - drugs against back pain

Often, back pain is caused by an improper sedentary lifestyle. Curvature of the spine , lesions of intervertebral discs and other undesirable changes in the musculoskeletal system can not be undetected. Sooner or later a person begins to feel unpleasant pain, only increasing with time. Muscle spasms that cause pain squeeze the nerve fibers and blood vessels. And this is fraught with a violation of the blood supply of internal organs. That's why the pain is not just unpleasant, but dangerous.

Muscle relaxants are drugs that help relieve muscle tension. Thanks to this, the pain passes, and a person can return to normal life. It is important to understand that muscle relaxants are not treated, but simply contribute to suppressing painful sensations. Therefore, they can be considered solely as ancillary medicines - they increase the effectiveness of therapeutic massages, manual therapy sessions, and health gymnastics.

There are two main types of muscle relaxants:

  1. Muscle relaxants of central action are agents that act directly on the central nervous system and the brain. More precisely, on those of their areas that affect the regulation of muscle tone. Medications quickly get rid of muscle spasm.
  2. The second group is muscle relaxants of peripheral action. These remedies relax the muscles by blocking the signals from the motor nerve.

By the duration of the action, muscle relaxants are ultrashort, short, medium and long.

Medications for muscle relaxants in osteochondrosis and intercostal neuralgia

And with osteochondrosis, and with intercostal neuralgia, there is a disruption of the muscles. The cause of this is muscle spasm. Before the beginning of a thorough complex treatment, this spasm should be removed. To do this, muscle relaxants are prescribed.

With osteochondrosis and neuralgia medications are prescribed, muscle relaxants of central action. Peripheral drugs are intended to solve problems of a somewhat different origin.

The duration of treatment with muscle relaxants is prescribed by a specialist. But often the treatment course lasts no less than six months and is combined with various wellness procedures:

Names of popular muscle relaxant drugs

Most likely, you already had to deal with these drugs. They are in almost every home medicine cabinet:

  1. Baclofen is famous for its operative action. He quickly restores mobility and improves the general condition of the patient.
  2. Tizanidine or Sirdalud is a remedy that not only relaxes the muscle but also pains it act. Assign it and with acute attacks of pain, and to treat problems that have taken a chronic form.
  3. The drug number one for the treatment of osteochondrosis is Midokalm . He not only anesthetizes and relieves spasm, but also dilates blood vessels. The most popular is Midokalm in tablets, but in some cases the drug is administered by injection.

And this is not a complete list of muscle relaxants. Such medicines as: