Low heart rate - what to do?

Not everyone knows that bradycardia is the medical name of a lowered heart rate. Many learn about this problem and are accepted for treatment only when the symptoms begin to manifest themselves clearly and cause inconvenience. Until then, only a few think about the fact that it is necessary to do something with a low pulse, realizing that it can signal serious health problems.

What are the causes of low heart rate, and what to do with this problem?

Pulse is one of the most important indicators of the state of the cardiovascular system. There is a generally accepted normal value of the pulse, which ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. If your pulse is lower or higher than normal, then most likely, there are some glitches in the body's work and it's best to contact the doctor.

Basically, however, seriously think about what to do with a low pulse should be immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of bradycardia. The signs of the disease appear as follows:

  1. With a decrease in heart rate, a person feels weak and distracted. Some can even lose consciousness for a few minutes.
  2. An attack of a bradycardia can be accompanied by pains in heart and strong vertigo.
  3. Breathing becomes heavy. The man throws into cold sweat.
  4. In some cases, the patient is confused thinking, and for a while vision deteriorates.

To understand what to do with reducing the heartbeat to 50 (and even less) blows, in the first place, you need to figure out what this phenomenon caused. Among the most probable causes of bradycardia are the following:

  1. Very often bradycardia develops against the backdrop of atherosclerosis or myocardial infarction.
  2. Oxygen starvation is one of the most common causes of loss of strength and a decrease in heart rate.
  3. Sometimes the pulse falls due to problems with the thyroid gland or complicated infectious diseases, such as hepatitis or influenza.
  4. The pulse also goes down in case of an overdose of some medicines.

Treatment of low heart rate

If the low pulse is observed at you occasionally, then, of course, the problem can be attributed to fatigue. Another thing, if the bradycardia for you - a common, often occurring, phenomenon. In this case, it is advisable to contact the cardiologist as soon as possible, which will tell you how to raise a very low pulse and what to do to prevent this problem from disturbing.

Today, several main methods of treatment are popular:

  1. Drug treatment involves the use of drugs-sympathomimetics. They effectively increase the pulse, but not always favorably affect the work of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you can not take them without the instructions of a specialist.
  2. If the bradycardia has taken a neglected form, then treatment of it is significantly complicated and consists in the installation of a special pacemaker. The last reins of the heart rhythm completely takes in their own hands and sets the desired speed of muscle contraction.
  3. Of course, one can not discount the treatment of low pulse with folk remedies. To improve your well-being, you can drink strong tea or coffee.

Help to increase the pulse:

And sometimes to normalize the heart rate it's enough just a few hours to fully relax.

To continue the pulse does not fall below the norm, and did not have to think about what to do with bradycardia, the patient should try to observe a healthy lifestyle. For this you need only:

  1. Allocate sufficient time for sleep.
  2. Healthy food.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Regularly visit the open air.