How to remember what I forgot?

Our memory is an amazing phenomenon, it can store a staggering amount of information, but sometimes it's not so easy to get to the right data. How often we can not remember that or another word, name, or term. We hardly remember the materials of yesterday's lectures, but in detail we can retell what we talked about with a friend in a cafe two weeks ago. A keys and mobile phones ... Sometimes there is a feeling that they live some kind of their lives and just hide when you try to find them. About these and other quirks of our memory, as well as about how to remember what you forgot, we'll tell below.

How to remember the word that you forgot?

Quite often it happens that you tell something, and during the conversation you realize that you can not remember a word. It would seem, here it is - just a little bit and you will be able to catch it, but as you do not try, it still does not work. In this case, you can simply replace the word with a synonym. If this is a name or a term, then several methods will help:

  1. To say, preferably aloud, everything that you associate with this word, try to remember from what sounds it consisted, go through the alphabet, on the letter with which the given word begins, it may well come to mind.
  2. Our memory is something like a library - information about similar things in it is stored in one place, so if you try to remember several terms of the same theme as the word that you forgot, then pulling on this thread, it is likely to be able to pull it out exactly what is needed. For example, if you can not remember the capital of any particular state, go through the capitals of other countries, and the necessary one will necessarily pop up.
  3. Try to refer to the type of memory that worked when memorizing. For example, if you do not remember the spelling of the word, take a pen and paper and just trust your hand.
  4. Relax and for 1-2 minutes, stop thinking about this word, turn your attention to something else, and then return to the problem again.

How to remember a person?

Let's say you have a meeting with a man you have not seen for a long time, and whose name is completely forgotten. In this case, we will try to use the techniques described above, applied to this situation:

  1. We concentrate on this name, for 30 seconds, we try to remember "in the forehead". If you can not describe yourself to this person aloud, how he looks, who he is, etc.
  2. We sort through the male or female names, which we know, perhaps, will pop up the right.
  3. We try to evoke similar memories. For example, if this is a former classmate, we list all those who studied with you in the same class, if the business partner, all who worked for this project.
  4. Let's try to remember in what situation we saw this person for the last time, maybe some music was sounded, the sea was rustling, etc. We are trying to recreate this situation.
  5. If this did not work, release the memory and return to the problem in a few minutes.

How to remember something that I forgot long ago?

To do this, we use the following methods:

  1. For 30 minutes, concentrate as much as possible on what you are trying to remember.
  2. Then a couple of minutes go through the memory of what, one way or another, is connected with the forgotten information.
  3. Stop thinking about it, release memories in a "free flight," and do other things.
  4. After a couple of hours, go back to trying to remember the forgotten, and again do all that was described above.
  5. Repeat this procedure 5-7 times a day.

A very good way to remember the forgotten, but if that does not help, then - hypnosis, the only thing that remains. However, this issue should be addressed to specialists.

How do you remember a dream that you forgot?

Since sleep is not a real event, but a game of our subconscious, in order to remember a forgotten dream, we need a few other techniques for "resurrecting" it in memory:

  1. If you want to remember dreams, make a dream diary. For example, put next to the bed is a pen and a notebook or a dictaphone, where you will record or pronounce everything that you saw in a dream.
  2. It is best to remember dreams during a nap, when the muscles are relaxed, and the brain is not yet fully awake, so do not jump out of bed, give yourself a few minutes to soak in a cozy bed, at the same time and better remember the dream.
  3. If you can not remember anything, start just talking out the first thing that comes to your mind. The subconscious mind will surely seize, for any image, and then through associations it will be possible to "untwist" all sleep.