Motherwort - drops

If you want to take a motherwort, drops are the best option. This is a clear liquid with a weak odor and a bit bitter taste is sold in any pharmacy. It has practically no absolute contraindications and does not have a negative effect on the body when interacting with other medicines.

Pharmacological properties of drops of motherwort

Drops of motherwort are made from flowers and leaves of the plant and 70% of alcohol.

This sedative, which has cardiotonic, hypotensive and negative chronotropic action. That is why very often for the normalization of sleep is used by the motherwort (how many drops to take, depends on the severity of insomnia).

Indications for the use of the drug are also:

How many droplets of the motherwort should be drunk to show the therapeutic effect of the remedy? Take the drug three times a day for 30-50 drops. The effect will be noticeable only with prolonged and systematic course treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Motherwort very rarely causes side effects. These can be allergic reactions or indigestion. If such symptoms occur, the remedy should be taken immediately stop. When an overdose of motherwort in droplets may cause lethargy, severe weakness and decreased efficiency.

Since this drug enhances the action of analgesic and hypnotic drugs, before taking it, you need to stop taking them. Also, before drinking motherwort in droplets, you should make sure that you do not have any contraindications to its use. These include: