What can be planted after the onion?

It's no secret that modern owners of summer cottages try to combine the experience of seasoned summer residents with new technologies. Crop rotation can not be called a new word in the world of growing vegetable crops, but only recently methods have become actively used and full information has become available. Below we will consider what to plant after harvesting the onion and for what it is necessary to "bother" with this choice.

What to plant after the onion: the soil is also tired

It turns out that a bad crop of a particular crop can very well become the result of an incorrect alternation of plants on the site . At first glance, the question of what to plant after a bow may seem too exaggerated. However, in practice, a competent selection of the order of planting crops promotes the rest of the land on the site.

You should carefully choose what to sow after the onions, because every vegetable in the garden has its own characteristics. For example, you constantly planted tomatoes or cabbage on one of the beds and did it several years in a row. And then you can not understand why other cultures grow so poorly. And in fact it turns out that they simply pull out of the soil all the phosphorus and nitrogen, which are responsible for the growth and abundance of the crop.

In search of an answer to the question of what can be planted after the onion, it is worth considering one more fact. If nearby crops grew, which are strongly susceptible to attacks of phytophthors, then new plantings will necessarily be doomed if they are also susceptible to it. This also applies to the impact of some cultures on others (they can strengthen or weaken each other's growth). So you should first read the information on the neighborhood of those vegetables that you plan to plant after harvesting onion.

Choose suitable crops

If you consider the question what to plant after the onion in the scale of a full year of crop rotation, then it is worth choosing tomatoes and cucumbers, beets with zucchini or carrots. In general, it is recommended to draw up a so-called garden plan every year. Then it will be easier to follow the rules of crop rotation and choose what to plant after the onion.

So, look at your garden:

Now that we have become acquainted with all the selection rules and neighbors in the beds, you can start working. Below is a list of what can be planted after the onion.

  1. If you plan new plantings in August, it is worth opting for spinach with lettuce and Peking cabbage. These crops will not load the soil and keep it until the spring. If to work to start at the very beginning of September, it is worth giving preference to the radish: this culture does not like a long light day and therefore will have time to give quite a plentiful harvest.
  2. Suppose you have a lot of beds and you do not want to sow them with one salad. We will not leave this site without work and plant annuals or syderaty. These plants slightly structure the soil itself and protect it from the sun.
  3. If you plan to plant cruciferous plants in this area in spring, then in August it is better to grow oats or rye. If tomatoes grow there in the spring, then early in the autumn, you can safely plant cruciferous.