Bile stasis - symptoms and treatment

Many are familiar with such factors as lack of appetite and a constant bitter taste in their mouths. In this case, often such symptoms are often accompanied by pain in the right side and constipation. Most simply try to wait out the active phases of the disorder - in some cases this is enough. In others, such symptoms can also speak of a disease such as stagnation of bile, which must be treated. This ailment indicates a malfunction of the liver, which threatens serious problems in the future.

Symptoms of stagnation of bile in the gallbladder

Identify the most common signs of stagnation of bile (cholestasis) simply. In general, the disease manifests as follows:

For the beginning of treatment it is necessary to undergo a full-fledged diagnosis, which will accurately determine the ailment, its stage and treatment options. This will help to avoid complications in the future.

The main drugs for the treatment of bile stasis

To establish the diagnosis, complex tests are often assigned, which include: ultrasound, blood tests, urine and others. Treatment is conducted in several directions:

The permanent carding syndrome is cleansed with ointments, corticosteroids and antihistamines. At the same time, for treatment of bile stasis, drugs containing ursodeoxycholic acid are prescribed. To protect and improve the liver used all sorts of hepatoprotectors, each of which is appointed based on tests.

With the course of the disease in severe form, specialists often prescribe a surgical procedure that helps to expand the bile ducts. The operation is performed by the endoscopic method - several punctures are done. This removes the need for suturing, and allows patients to quickly get on their feet.

During treatment of bile stasis, the patient is also given special nutrition. It excludes the intake of food, which contains animal fats, canned food, mushrooms, cocoa or chocolate. It is not desirable to eat sour, salted, fried or very fatty. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in any quantity. It is undesirable to use drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver.

Treatment of stagnation of bile at home

When using folk methods, it must be remembered that they are useful together with the main drugs to complement the complex therapy.

There are several basic methods that help cope with the ailment at home:

  1. Reception of cholagogue grasses - mint, watch, St. John's wort, wormwood. Often use full-fledged fees.
  2. Massages and exercises for the abdominal cavity, helping to remove bile.
  3. Broths of mint, dogrose or corn stigmas.
  4. Help to cure stagnation of bile and cholecystitis (inflammation of the bladder) pumpkin seeds. They just need to eat every day. In addition, they are a natural remedy for worms.
  5. You can clean the channels with the help of beet juice. A glass of freshly squeezed liquid should be drunk for half an hour before meals.

One of the most effective folk methods is tjubazh. To do this, dilute in 300 ml of water at room temperature, one tablespoon of magnesia powder.

The solution is used necessarily on an empty stomach. After that, the patient should lie on the couch on the right side of the heating pad under the hepatic area. It literally within half an hour will help to clear outflows.