Mecca's Cichlazoma

Tsiklazoma Meeka - a representative of the group of percussion, a family of cichlids . This family unites many kinds of fish, mainly living in fresh tropical waters of America and Africa. For its unpretentious character and attractive appearance cichlazoma Meeki are very popular among aquarium lovers.

For the first time cichlids were described by the American writer Walter Brind in 1918, and it was not until 1958 that these fish were brought to the USSR. Currently, the habitats of cichlid-cichlaz Meeka are the reservoirs of Guatemala and South Mexico.

Color and dimensions of the Mejka cichlazoma

The main color of the Mechaki cichlazoma is silvery with reflections of yellow, blue and green tones. On the body of fish there can be clearly expressed black spots (periodically with a golden ebb). However, the number of these spots can be different or they may not be at all. You can distinguish between sexual intercourse cichlazem Meeki, paying attention to the size, color and length of the fins. The male is larger, has a brighter color and elongated fins. The maximum size of Mechaki cichlazoma is 15 cm, but in most cases their dimensions range from 8 to 12 cm.

Care for the Mejka cichlazoma

Care for the Mejka cichlazoma does not require much effort. It is recommended to keep the fish in pairs. For example, for one pair of fish you need an aquarium with a volume of 50-80 liters. Comfortable temperature range for Mejki cichlasma from 20 to 25 ° C, water hardness (dH) is 8-25 °, acidity (pH) is 6.5-8.0. For better health of fish it is recommended to filter, aerate and replace water. It is desirable to cover the bottom of the aquarium with fine gravel, since representatives of this family periodically tend to dig the soil. An excellent solution among the selection of plants for the aquarium will be algae with a developed root system and stiff leaves.

Meeke's cymbalisms prefer to occupy a permanent place in the aquarium, which will be perceived as a shelter and actively protected within a 10cm radius. As a food, you can use frost, seafood, small dry granules, flakes, vegetable and live food, small pieces of lean meat, earthworms, larvae and small insects. As you can see, with the provision of Mehak's cichlazoma, there will be no difficulties, even if you forgot to buy specialized feed the day before.

Compatibility and reproduction of Mejka cichlazoma

The Mek's cichlazoma is a fairly peaceful species of fish that are indulgent to smaller aquarium inhabitants if they grew up together with them. If you are tempted to add sluggish fish of small size to already grown cichlazomas of Meek, there is a big risk that you will not find them there soon, and Mejka cichlazomes will have a contented and full-bodied appearance.

Reproduction of the Mejka cichlazoma is a fairly quick and easy process that is possible at home and even in the presence of other fish in the aquarium. The sexual maturity of Meek's cichlazoma is reached at 8-12 months. The male prepares in advance a place for spawning, cleaning for the future offspring a surface of a stone or other suitable element of design of an aquarium. The female is spawning at the prepared place. The number of eggs can reach 800 pieces, with a minimum threshold of 100. The incubation period is 3-6 days, and after 4-5 days the fry begins to swim.

Parents of cichlids rather zealously take care of their offspring, nevertheless, if the masonry occurred in a common aquarium, it is better to transfer it to a separate vessel. The initial food for fry of the cichlazoma Meeki is artemia and finely chopped tuber washed through a tight net.