Lose weight from green coffee?

Despite advertising and reviews, many people still doubt whether green coffee is losing weight. In fact, this is a rather complicated question, and it is quite difficult to answer it unambiguously.

Why lose weight from green coffee?

Green coffee is dried coffee that has not been roasted, unlike black, to which we have long been accustomed. It's no secret that the composition of the products changes during the heat treatment and in this case it will be about this.

Green coffee - a record for the content of chlorogenic acid . It is this substance that allows you to talk about the effectiveness of coffee for weight loss. The fact is that such a component interferes with metabolism, more precisely, in carbohydrate metabolism, and causes the body to take energy for vital activity, not from this simplest source, but from adipose tissue.

It is easy to guess that with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, the body will still have to store them, transferring them to fat cells, and the process will go around in a circle: some fat cells split, but their place is immediately occupied by new ones.

That is why green coffee is an effective supplement that, without a low-carb diet, is unlikely to enjoy bright results.

How to lose weight with green coffee?

The first thing to do, after the decision to lose weight, is to take it away and completely to skip away from such products:

  1. Sources of simple carbohydrates:
  • Sources of fat:
  • With such a diet, eating low-fat meat and vegetables, you easily bring the weight back to normal, and green coffee will speed up this process.

    Summarizing, it is possible to give an answer to the question whether green coffee helps to lose weight. If you do not hope for just the effect of a drink, and go on the right diet and add sports - you will lose 100%. But if you drink green coffee sweets, then the effect you will not find.