Dropper for alcohol intoxication

Poisoning by the products of the breakdown of alcoholic beverages is not only accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms and an unconscious condition, it can be life-threatening and fatal. In severe cases, a special dropper is used for alcohol intoxication , as the standard methods for controlling pathology are too slow and not effective enough.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication with a dropper

The rate of assimilation by the body of various substances depends on their bioavailability. This parameter is maximal precisely with intravenous drip infusion of drugs. During the use of tablets and oral solutions, bioavailability is reduced due to the absorption of a number of active compounds in the digestive tract. Therefore, in case of severe intoxication, only infusions are used for the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol.

What kind of dropper is needed for alcohol intoxication?

The variety of the therapeutic solution is usually selected by the narcologist individually to each patient in accordance with his physiological characteristics.

The basis of all used infusions is glucose or dextrose with a concentration of 5-10% (500 ml) and sodium chloride (saline, 400 ml). This mixture provides effective liquefaction of blood, replenishment of fluid in the body and normalization of water balance.

For individual needs, various medicines are added to the treatment solution. The composition of the dropper for alcohol intoxication include the following drugs:

More complex poisonings, combined with a drop in blood pressure, acidosis, oxygen starvation of the brain, are treated with infusions based on such solutions:

During intravenous infusion of medicines, it is necessary to take diuretics facilities.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

The presented list of necessary preparations and infusion compositions are indicated for informational purposes in order to better understand the appointment of an expert in narcology. Independently to use droppers, not having medical knowledge and skills, is dangerous.

It is worth noting that it is also not worthwhile to use the popular service of deducing from drinking-bout and the state of heavy intoxication at home. Select the drugs should a specialist, preferably in the hospital, to constantly monitor the patient's well-being.