Black teeth of the child

All modern parents, of course, have an idea of ​​the care of their children's teeth. However, most of them do not pay enough attention to this issue, although they are quite responsible for solving problems related to the health of their children. They call the doctor on time, get vaccinated on time, do not forget to give vitamins to the child, but, unfortunately, they forget to keep the teeth clean. Over time, parents notice that very recently the snow-white milk teeth of a child begin to darken.

Why do black teeth become black?

The reasons for the fact that the child has black teeth, may be different, but we will distinguish a number of basic:

Caries is one of the most common reasons for the appearance of black teeth in children. This disease of hard tooth tissues, which can develop depending on several factors: thermal - sudden changes in food temperature, chemical and mechanical - strokes and injuries. Early childhood caries is characterized by a rapid rate of development. It should be noted that the baby has a special effect on the health of teeth. The food should be balanced, rich in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Due to a lack of one of these components, the composition of the saliva may deteriorate, which in turn leads to the formation of a plaque on the teeth. As a result, the teeth darken in children. At an early age, it is necessary to offer sweets as little as possible to the child, and it is better to replace them with fruits, vegetables and natural juices.

What should I do if my child's teeth turn black?

First of all, if you notice that your child has black teeth, it is necessary to urgently appeal to the dentist, as the child's caries progresses very quickly. The specialist will choose the most optimal treatment for your baby. Erroneous is the opinion of parents that milk teeth should not be treated, since soon they will be replaced by permanent teeth. It should be noted that early loss of milk teeth can lead to incorrect bite, as well as to the formation of uneven teeth. In other words, the health of permanent teeth depends directly on the condition of the baby's teeth and their proper care in childhood.

The main thing for the preservation and health of teeth in children is prevention, which consists in the constant hygiene of the oral cavity. And in the future, brushing your teeth should become a strong daily habit of the child. In turn, parents are advised not to forget to visit a children's dentist, regardless of the state of the child's teeth.