Than to treat an angina at the child?

Among various colds of childhood diseases, sore throat is often a guest. It can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, and the latter are much more common, and therefore, mainly for the treatment of the disease have to use antibacterial therapy.

Basically, the disease begins with a slight pain in the throat, and then the temperature rises sharply to 40 ° C and the child feels broken, can not swallow, eat, inflamed and enlarged cervical and occipital lymph nodes. It is necessary to call a doctor who will say, the better the treatment of angina in a child, because this disease without proper intervention can give complications to the heart muscle and joints.

How to treat a sore throat at home?

As a rule, this disease is not treated in a hospital - it is only required for babies. If there is a suspicion of the bacterial nature of the disease, you will have to make a general blood test, after which the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotic penicillin series.

In parallel with the antibiotic, do not forget to give the child a drug that normalizes the microflora in the intestine, because antibacterial therapy can not only treat the underlying disease, but also reduce the local immunity of the digestive system.

For the treatment of angina will require a set of measures:

  1. Gargling.
  2. Warm compresses.
  3. Inhalations.
  4. Warm drink.

Reception of antibiotics will be the main treatment, without it all other methods can only worsen the condition of the ill child. Of course, ubiquitous grandmothers can advise how to treat sore throat in children with folk remedies, but they can be only auxiliary tools in this disease, but not the main method. Let's look at them in more detail.

Than gargle?

There are many means and compounds that can be treated with a throat in a child with angina. They can be either purchased or prepared independently at home. It is very good to rinse out the yolk with Furacilin, which is prepared from 2 tablets, they must be crushed into powder and diluted in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the child needs to water this throat with a syringe, or rinse.

During the day, the gargle should be changed to make the procedure more effective. It is good to use 0.01% Miramistin solution, hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per glass of water), pale pink manganese solution and iodine salt solution. From herbal collections help sage, chamomile, Rotokan.

Doctors do not recommend lubricating the neck of Lugol with angina, as it breaks the protection of the tonsil mucosa. It is better to use all kinds of anti-inflammatory sprays - Hexoral, Ingallipt, Hexa Spray, Tantum Verde.

Rinse and spray the throat with a spray every two hours. From the recommended list of aids choose 2-3 at your discretion. Very useful thermal inhalation using soda, alkaline mineral water and tincture of eucalyptus.

The child should drink only warm, not acidic drinks, softening the sick neck - herbal tea, raspberry juice, milk with added oil and soda, lime infusion. For several hours a day, it is good to apply an alcohol compress to a child who is over 5 years old.

Than to treat an angina at the one-year-old child?

As a rule, children from birth to two years of age are treated in a hospital. The antibiotic in this case is injected intramuscularly, and the neck irrigation is carried out with a syringe without a needle. For this, we use chamomile grass, sage and furacilin. The course of treatment lasts 10 days and can not be interrupted, so as not to cause resistance of the microorganism to the antibiotic.