How to recognize a schizophrenic?

Only an experienced psychiatrist can accurately determine that there is an abnormal person before him. However, any of us still need to know how to recognize a schizophrenic, because this disease can hit a family member, which means that it will be necessary to determine whether to seek medical help for a person close to us.

How to recognize a schizophrenic by behavior?

There are several signs that you can understand that a loved one needs medical help. Psychiatrists advise to pay attention to the following moments of human behavior:

  1. Refusal from social contacts, the desire to be constantly in an apartment or a room.
  2. Lack of interest in any activities. This can also be expressed in the following - a person begins to say abruptly that he does not like anything and that he does not have any desires.
  3. Constant complaints of fatigue and headache may also be a sign of mental illness.
  4. The expression of strange and frightening ideas, for example, that everything in the world is meaningless, or that everything is predetermined.
  5. Failure to do household duties. Sick people often do not understand why cleaning the house, or why it is necessary to prepare food.
  6. Neglect of personal hygiene. Often schizophrenics do not want to shower, change clothes or wash their hair. This is especially evident in women.
  7. Appearance of delirium or hallucinations. This is the surest sign by which you can identify schizophrenia. But often the disease can occur without its appearance.

Strangeness in behavior will help how to recognize schizophrenia, and quickly seek help, which is necessary, even if it is a question of depression, and not about the already mentioned mental illness. Unfortunately, not all people know that a sudden change in the interests of a person can be indicative of serious problems.

How to recognize schizophrenia in men?

Men are more likely than women to suffer from this disease. Determine the onset of the disease in a guy can be according to the signs listed above, they will help how to recognize schizophrenia in women, and determine it in men.

You should not be frightened, even if you notice all of the above symptoms from a person close to you. Often these signs can talk about depression , chronic fatigue or a nervous breakdown. But it is still necessary to seek medical advice. These ailments also require the intervention of a specialist, like schizophrenia.