The first signs of flu in children

Inexperienced parents find it difficult to distinguish the first symptoms, the child's flu or usual ARVI. These two diseases have much in common, but also differences that the attentive Mom should learn to notice herself in order to help the baby in time and call the doctor.

When are the first signs of flu in children?

Depending on the aggressiveness of the virus, as well as on the ability of the child's immune system to resist infections, the disease manifests itself. It can begin even a few hours after contact with a sick person (this happens with swine flu ), but more often signs show themselves in 2-3 days.

What are the first symptoms of flu in children?

As a rule, the first of the whole complex of signs of influenza first temperature rises, and it arises unexpectedly and immediately alarms, as the thermometer shows 39.0-39.6 ° C, and sometimes even higher. These are very large numbers that do not correspond to the common cold. In this condition, the child complains of a headache, and sometimes intolerance of bright light.

Having noticed these first symptoms of the flu in a child, the mother should know what to do before the doctor comes. The temperature must necessarily be knocked down, otherwise the intoxication of the body will intensively increase. Paracetamol for children, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Analdim suppositories and other children's preparations with a similar composition are suitable for this purpose.

In addition to raising the temperature, there is an ache in the body - painful sensations in the calf muscles, hands, back, neck. But to say about it can only the child after 3-4 years, and before this age the kids do not quite understand what is happening to them.

Quite small babies from the first hours of the disease suddenly become capricious, they can cry without a break. Babies often experience intense regurgitation.

On the second-third day, first the nasal congestion is attached to the high temperature, and then a copious discharge of mucus from it. Normally, it is fluid and transparent, but if there are purulent discharge - this is not a good sign and the doctor in charge should know about it without fail.

Along with a runny nose, there is a cough and pain in the chest. Older children can tell the doctor about it, but the kids, alas, still do not understand their condition. Cough with the flu is dry, irritating, sometimes so severe that it gives away pain in the muscles of the abdomen.

If the cough has become wet, as with bronchitis, and with the coughing of yellow or green mucus, it is possible that the course of influenza infection caused a complication in the form of pneumonia. It happens rarely with adequate treatment, but without it can be even with the usual flu virus.

How to treat the first signs of flu in children?

Attentive Mom, having noticed any first signs of the flu, wants to know what it is possible to give the child in order to alleviate his condition. First of all, it is important to lower the temperature to normal, or at least to low-grade, which will not lead to intensive dehydration. This is done with antipyretics.

In parallel with taking medications, you should systematically water your baby with plenty of fluids. It can be curries of currant and viburnum, chamomile tea, low-fat broths or just pure water.

The main thing is that a child should drink, because if he refuses liquid, then the infection spreads faster and the defenses can not cope on their own and hospitalization for intravenous injections will be required.

The doctor for the treatment of influenza appoints various antiviral drugs, the choice of which depends on the age of the child. So, for babies it is possible to use suppositories Viferon, drops Interferon or Laferobion, and children after the age of seven can give tablets Remantadin, Amizon and the like. It is important to begin treatment with these funds from the first day of the disease.