Pulse in children - the norm (table)

Correct functioning of the cardiovascular system is an important component of a child's health. Her indices are: blood pressure and pulse, which in children should correspond to the norm. The heart rate (heart rate) can be easily measured and monitored at home.

Measurement of the pulse should be done when the child is in a calm state, in the same position (for example, sitting) for several days to make the picture clearer. It is better to do this in the morning, you can after breakfast. To measure the pulse, you need to find a large artery on the wrist, in the temporal region or neck. Sight one minute on the stopwatch and count the number of hits during this time. You can record 15 seconds, and multiply by four.

Pulse in children varies with age. The younger the child, the more often the heart rate. Rate of heart rate in children by age can be seen in the table.

Older than 15 years, the indicators are equated to the heart rate of an adult and make, on the average, 70 beats per minute.

Pulse and pressure change throughout the day. This is normal and necessary for the human body to adapt to the surrounding world.

Significant deviations in the heart rate can speak about any violations in the body.

If the pulse in children significantly exceeds the norms of the table, according to age, this can happen for various reasons:

When the child's pulse exceeds the norm and in a calm state, this is called tachycardia.

The reverse situation, when the heart rate is less than the average values, which is often the case with athletes. It speaks about the good work of the heart and the fitness of the body. Here an important condition is the child's well-being. If he feels bad, complains of dizziness and weakness, then it is better to seek advice from a specialist. It must be borne in mind that the slowing of the pulse in a child in a dream is the norm.

Heart rate in premature infants

Let's talk about what heart rate indicators for premature babies are the norm. When a child is born before the term, it often has a certain immaturity of some organs. Therefore, the time of its adaptation to life outside the womb is somewhat different and the indicators of viability may differ. So, for example, the pulse in a premature baby can reach 180 beats per minute and thus not be a pathology. In some cases, the heart rate of these children persists in the range of 120-160, as for other infants. It should be borne in mind that children born before the term are more sensitive to external irritations, which significantly increase the heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, a premature baby needs to create a calm environment and try to protect it from too loud sounds or bright light.

Heart rate in children-athletes

As already mentioned above, the trained children have less pulse and this is good. A child who engages in sports should know how to calculate the maximum heart rate, which for him is the norm. For this you can use the formula: 220-age. The answer will show the acceptable upper bound. You also need to know that the pulse should return to its normal values ​​10 minutes after the end of the workout. This is an indicator of good work of the heart.