Breathing exercises for weight loss and recovery

Breathing exercises, which help with numerous diseases, relieve different symptoms and ease the condition, are also very effective, and they are also effective in losing weight. It is important to carry them out regularly and according to a number of existing rules.

Therapeutic breathing exercises

Regardless of what breathing exercises are used for, it is necessary to know and consider a number of rules:

  1. Begin your workouts with simple workloads, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and the complexity of the exercises.
  2. Doing breathing exercises to improve health, it is important to maintain maximum concentration, not to be distracted by anything, so it's best to be alone and in a relaxed environment.
  3. Do exercise on the street or ventilate the room well.
  4. During the lesson, watch your posture, otherwise breathing will be difficult.

Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system

During the day, many people are experiencing stressful situations, which have a negative impact on well-being. To relax, it is recommended to use breathing exercises to calm. Repeat them until you feel relieved.

  1. Standing straight, put your hands down and take a deep breath. For half a minute, breathing should be delayed, and then exhale heavily, folding his lips with a tube. In this case, always draw in the belly. After that, take a quiet breath and exhale.
  2. In a comfortable pose, slowly inhale deeply and exhale sharply. Repeat several times. Such breathing exercises help to get excited and cheer up.

Respiratory gymnastics for insomnia

Simple exercises for good sleep help to get rid of mental fatigue, relieve nervous system strain and relax the muscles of the body. Do gymnastics under relaxing quiet music without words. It is recommended that breathing exercises for sleep be performed with closed eyes.

  1. Draw the air slowly and deeply, sticking out your stomach. It is important that at the same time the thorax gradually widens, filling the lungs with oxygen to the maximum. In the next stage of the exercise, slowly exhale. Make sure that the abdomen is blown off first, and then the thorax. Do 5-7 repetitions.
  2. The next breathing exercise is performed at the expense of the diaphragm, that is, the thorax should not move. When pulling in the air, protrude the abdomen, and when blown out, blow off. Do everything at a slow pace.

Respiratory exercises with IRR

During attacks, a person does not have enough air, and he can begin to suffocate. Lead to this can be a sense of anxiety, stress or excessive stress. To calm down and ease the condition, experts recommend doing breathing exercises for panic attacks .

  1. Inhaling, expand the chest and protrude the stomach, and on exhalation draw in the belly and blow away the chest. Control breathing is recommended by hands. To complicate the exercise, you can exercise a little resistance.
  2. If the attack is severe, then breathe for a couple of minutes, using a paper bag, pressing it to the cheeks and nose.

Respiratory exercises for asthma

Doctors recommend that people with asthma regularly do gymnastics, which can alleviate the condition. In addition, it helps to prevent the development of complications, relieves stress and tension. Breathing exercises with bronchial asthma should be part of the daily schedule, otherwise there will be no positive dynamics.

  1. Lying in bed, bend your knees and pull them up, while making a long exhalation through your mouth. Repeat the exercise as many times as you like. Due to this, the process of sputum evacuation is accelerated, and the airways are cleared.
  2. There are breathing exercises that can be performed in any poses, the following applies: pinch the right nostril with your fingers, inhale, and then close the left and exhale. After that, do the opposite.

Respiratory exercises with pneumonia

In the presence of this disease, the systematic performance of special gymnastics helps to provide the lungs with adequate ventilation, improve blood flow, cope with intoxication, increase the depth of inspiration and withdraw phlegm. Respiratory exercises in pneumonia in adults accelerate the process of recovery.

  1. In a relaxed state, inhale through your nose and after three seconds, exhale through the mouth. In this case, the lips should be kept tightly compressed, thereby creating an obstacle to air escape. The exhalation should not take more than six seconds.
  2. Cleansing breathing exercises are based on a deep breath, after which you should hold your breath for a couple of seconds and release short bursts of air through your mouth. Cheeks do not need to be inflated during the exercise.

Breathing exercises with bronchitis

For a quick recovery, it is recommended that you combine the medication together with special gymnastics. Breathing exercises for the lungs and bronchi strengthen immunity, improve blood circulation, which contributes to the flow to the bronchi of oxygen, and facilitate the process of sputum discharge. In addition, overall health improves and the risk of complications decreases.

  1. Stand up straight, keeping your feet at shoulder level, and your arms lowered. Briefly inhale through the nose, clenching fists. Exhaling through the mouth, straighten the palms. Do four repetitions, rest for five seconds and perform six more such approaches.
  2. For the next breathing exercise, put your hands down and lean forward. Breath noisily through your nose, lightly pushing the body forward, climb back, releasing air. Do 8 reps and then take a break.

Breathing exercises for hypertension

People with increased BP breathing exercises are useful because of its positive effect on the heart, which leads to the normalization of indicators and the relief of the condition. The complex of breathing exercises is recommended to be used as a preventive measure.

  1. Put your hands in the palms forward, so that the brushes are at the level of the neck. Breath noisily through your nose, clenching your fists, as if something is grabbing. Slowly breathe out your mouth, relaxing your hands.
  2. For the next breathing exercise, bend your arms in the elbows, connecting your fists at the level of the lower back in front of you. Deeply and intensely inhale through your nose, while sharply lowering your fists forward and straightening your hands. When breathing in, return to the initial position.

Respiratory exercises with arrhythmia

In the presence of problems in the work of the heart muscle is recommended to use special gymnastics Strelnikova , which helps to accelerate blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen. Experts advise doing breathing exercises for people prone to heart disease, because they normalize the body and reduce the risk of complications. Perform gymnastics after waking up and before bedtime no longer than 25 minutes. It is important to increase the number of repetitions every day.

  1. Breathing exercises for the heart start with a few short, sharp breaths and exhalations. In doing so, you should gradually step on the spot, observing the rhythm - step / inspiration.
  2. Standing straight and holding your hands down, make a sharp noisy breath, clench your fists. On the exhalation of the palm should be released. Do six repetitions, resting between them for 25 seconds.

Respiratory exercises with pancreatitis

Active physical activity is contraindicated in inflammation of the pancreas , but breathing exercises, provides a useful internal massage. It is especially recommended for the chronic form of the disease. Breathing exercises contribute to improving the movement of blood and the outflow of juice, which forms the pancreatic gland. Training is recommended 2-3 times a day, being in any position. Each exercise, repeat at least three times, up to ten repetitions.

  1. Slowly draw in air and release it, and then hold your breath and maximally draw in your belly. Count to three and relax.
  2. Repeat a relaxed breath and exhale, and then sharply hold your breath, strongly bulging your belly, and count to three.

Breathing exercises for weight loss

People who want to lose weight, as an additional technique can use respiratory gymnastics, which reduces appetite, improves digestion and the process of splitting fats, and also gives an energy boost. Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and other parts of the body will not take much time, enough 15 minutes.

  1. Draw in your belly and take a deep breath, and then, with jerks, gradually release air through your mouth, tightly closing your lips. During exercise, there should be tension and relaxation of the abdomen. Do a minimum of 20 repetitions.
  2. Sit in a chair, keeping your back straight, and your feet pressed to the floor. Breathe in your belly, straining and relaxing the press. Start with 10 repetitions and increase the number up to 40 times.