Red oil is good and bad

This oil with a cute name has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It is obtained from the seeds of a herbaceous plant from the genus Ryzhik of the cabbage family. In Russia it is a very common plant that grows in the fields, meadows, in the steppe zones.

The use of redhead oil in cosmetology is attractive in that it has a rich fatty acid composition, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

Useful properties of redhead oil

The use of lard oil should be evaluated based on its composition. So, in this oil contains 35% of linolenic acid, which promotes the renewal of cells. In vitaminized complexes for skin and hair, you can often find a polyunsaturated Omega-3 acid, which is a linolenic acid.

Also in the composition of red-oil is enough (about 20%) oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, which improves skin color. The third fatty acid, which is contained in a large amount in oil - linoleic - up to 22%.

The oil also contains: eicosenoid, palmitic, stearic and erucic acids.

For cosmetic purposes it is better to use unrefined oil with minimal treatment - so its properties are better preserved. It is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the plant, and it has a golden color.

Its difference from other oils in the presence of a large amount of vitamin F, which is very useful for the skin and hair, making them supple and elastic. Substances that means vitamin F - Omega-6 and Omega-3 are not synthesized in the human body, and therefore they are called irreplaceable.

Application of redhead oil

In cosmetology, redhead oil is used for facial and body skin, as well as hair, adding to various masks. This oil plays the role of nutrient component, so its use is especially important in the spring and winter periods.

Hair oil for hair

The convenience of using redhead oil as a component for a mask is that it has a low viscosity: it is much easier to wash off with shampoo than castor or burdock, although it is hardly inferior to these famous hair treatments.

In order to restore the density of hair, use several times a week a mask with lily oil and yolk: 5 tbsp. add 1 egg yolk and mix the ingredients carefully, then apply the mask to the scalp for 30 minutes.

If the oil is heated before application, it will have an even more positive effect, but in this case, the hair should be covered with cellophane and wrapped in a warm towel.

To accelerate the growth of hair, mix in equal proportions red, olive and burdock oil, and apply the mixture on the roots of hair, actively rubbing into the scalp in circular motions.

To increase the elasticity of the ringlets, it is enough to apply oil on your hair several times a week in undiluted form.

If the ends of the hair begin to be ground, then soak them in the tangerine oil before going to bed and leave it overnight, and wash your hair in the morning.

Red face oil

To increase the elasticity of the fading skin and to smooth out the complexion, make a mask based on saffron oil and sour cream, mixing the ingredients in equal proportions and leaving the mixture on the face for 15 minutes.

If there is inflammation on the face, then this curative ingredient will help to remove them sooner: take 2 tsp. safflower oil, mix it with 3 tsp. oils grape seed and add 1 tsp. peach oil. The mixture is applied to the entire face, which is previously steamed and cleaned. After 20 minutes, the oils are washed off with a special remedy, and then the inflamed areas are smeared with chamomile broth.

Contraindications to the use of redhead oil

Lycian oil refers to those oils that have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance (which is very rare), so it can be used by everyone without exception.